
2:1977 Talk about the Pack leader by Drifting Dragon
“So about the leader. What did you think about him?” You asked. “Oh, he’s a really nice guy actually. We had kind of something going on for a while. Things have been a bit different though, ever since we first came here.” She mentioned. “Oh I see I see. Why do you think that is?” You a

6:718 Mare by -
As Daniel soared through the night sky, his transformation into a pegasus stallion complete, he marveled at the newfound sense of freedom and power that coursed through him. The sensation of flight was exhilarating, and he couldn't help but let out a joyous neigh that echoed through the open ex

2:1968 The mother whose child didn’t make it by Drifting Dragon
As you went on this trip, you truly did start to get quite attached to some of your other seal friends. Almost even to the point where you had started to feel some sort of empathy, sympathy, or something like that. There was one seal that you felt particularly sympathetic for and that was the woman

6:723 Jake by -
As Danielle was about to part ways with her friends, Jake stopped and turned to her. He looked both puzzled and concerned.


"I don't suppose you remember what I asked you for?" Jake inquired. "Transforming me into my fursona? You still know I'm a furry, right?&quo

2:1976 Propose documented legal policy for the integration. by Drifting Dragon
“Why don’t we figure out a way to govern the other tribe better?” You mentioned. “I mean, there’s always evil in disorder, as they say.” You mentioned, pulling a quote right out of your blowhole if you had one. “I have some ideas I would maybe… like to draft up with you.” You said,

4:401 Try on the fox mask by CoggerD
You don't exactly have any money, so you decide to try on one of the masks. You've always liked foxes, and the temple seems primarily fox-themed, so you figure it'd be more appropriate to wear that one than any of the others. You pick it up, examining it for a little bit; it's pa

2:1975 Focus on ourselves by Drifting Dragon
“I think we need to try to get them to empathize with us. We should really make ourselves relatable to them, and then they will want to help us figure out the issue we’ve been experiencing since the north- the issues that may have followed us here.” you started. “Well, we can just be ourselv

6:722 Friends by -
Confused and anxious, Danielle's phone rang, and the caller ID displayed David's name. She hesitated for a moment before answering, not sure what to expect.


"Hello?" she said, her voice quivering.


"Hey there, how's my favorite unicorn?" Davi

2:1974 Focus on them by Drifting Dragon
“The idea about considering their needs and hearing out from their side seems pretty good. I think that will help us both find more favor in this situation” You suggested. “Yes I was thinking that myself. The best way to gain favor is to give the people what they want. It’s good to know that

6:717 Transformation by -
As Daniel stood in the midst of his internal debate, the allure of Astra's offer tugged at his very core. The idea of transformation, of leaving behind the human world for a life beyond imagination, was both exhilarating and frightening. He closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath, and

2:1973 Talk about Politics by Drifting Dragon
“We should try to find a way to get in better with the new tribe.” You mentioned. “Maybe what you think is coming has something to do with them?” You pondered with the leader for a while. “What do you mean?” He asked inquisitively. “I mean like, what if they’re being nice because the

4:400 Into the shrine by CoggerD
Inside the shrine, the darkness slowly gives way to dim light via candles, torches, and paper lanterns. In the main chamber, on the far end, is a massive nine-tailed fox statue with a plate of offered food and a wooden fox mask, along with a small hand mirror; the walls are covered in strange woode

2:1967 But wait? by Drifting Dragon
“There’s a more. We need to think a bit more about this. Maybe we need to bring someone along with us?” You mentioned. “Who’s someone you trust.” You asked him, seriously. “Well? One female was always super helpful whenever I needed something. Though, after we had left back home, somet

6:721 Journal by catprog
In her room, Danielle carefully placed her journal on her desk. The room itself felt both familiar and alien at the same time. As she examined the various photographs scattered across her desk, she couldn't shake the surreal feeling that washed over her. These were photos of her life as a human

2:1966 Search party by Drifting Dragon
After so long- so many lies, you finally decided to own up to exactly what you were trying to do at this point. You and the leader had organized a defined search party and with the help of everyone, after a little bit of effort, you all were able to gather up a specified group of individuals able to

6:716 Pegasus by -
As the lightning illuminated the room again, the mysterious figure stepped forward into the faint glow. To Daniel's astonishment, it was not a person, but a magnificent four-legged creature, a pegasus mare. Her coat glistened a silvery white, and her wings were strong and feathered. Her golden

2:1965 Fishing trip by Drifting Dragon
“Maybe if we organize a group-wide fishing trip, then that would find a way to show everyone all at once how strange things are getting underwater.” You mentioned. “That’s not a bad idea. We could get on it immediately!” The leader started. “And that’s not too wild of an idea for peopl

6:720 Unicorn by -
Daniel stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror, unable to believe what he was seeing. Instead of his usual human appearance, he now had the body of a bipedal unicorn mare. His coat was a shimmering shade of silvery white, and a long, flowing mane of rainbow-colored hair cascaded down his nec

2:1964 Later on… by Drifting Dragon
“Okay, we definitely need to spend a bit more time and think things through.” You mentioned. “Who knows what this could be about, and I just wanted to make sure that whatever it is out there that we’re trying to find, that we could be prepared for it.” You mentioned. “That sounds about r

3:410 Tigress Necklace by -
However, one particular item caught your attention. It was a necklace, resplendent with jewels that shimmered in the moonlight. Deep blues and vibrant greens danced within the encrusted gems, casting an enchanting radiance that drew you in. The necklace exuded an aura of wealth and power, unlike any