
2:1970 Truth by Drifing Dragon
“I just overheard you all talking earlier. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” You looked over to the young seal. “I know you have children, and I just want to make sure they’re safe.” Somehow, your newfound motherly instincts started to kick in. You couldn’t have lied to th

2:1949 Fight for him by Drifting Dragon
You struggled and strained to get him back up the narrow tunnel and it was even harder when the water would gush through and push him back some inches. Still, you fought and fought, thinking back to everything you had gone through with the pack so far and at this point, you were completely determine

2:1969 New pack’s leader by Drifting Dragon
You felt pretty comfortable with the people you have bonded with so far on the trip, but the new group seemed exciting to you as well. You realized that you hadn’t found much time to really get to know some of the other pack. You kind of felt bad about yourself- a bit selfish even, but hey, now bo

2:1985 Make up another lie. by Drifting Dragon
“Well, do you remember when you lost your child?” You started. “There was something about that night that you needed to know.” Your mind raced as you continued to make up another wild story right there on the spot. “You see, the leader of the pack wanted to get you out of his inner circle,

2:1984 Talk about her kid by Drifting Dragon
This time around, you had really given it a lot of thought. It was probably the worst option for you, but you figured that at least talking about something like this with the mother may have been just as important to her as finishing the game is to you. Maybe, you should have considered her a little

4:405 Tiger(taur) by TheGreatJaceyGee
This was the second of Leland’s letters to find Jasmine, and yet it offered no less feeling of being watched than the first. She lived in the same address as always, so it made sense Leland still knew where she lived. However, she doubted moving anywhere on Planet Earth would help her escape his o

2:1987 Cerberus by -
As you opened your eyes, you found yourself in a dimly lit room filled with costumes of all shapes and sizes. The air was heavy with the musty scent of old fabrics, and the only source of light came from a solitary, flickering overhead bulb. You tried to remember how you got here, but your memory wa

6:726 Sphinx by -
As the lightning flashed again, revealing the mysterious figure, Daniel's eyes widened in disbelief. The dim light outlined the majestic form of a sphinx, as if she had stepped right out of Greek mythology. Her wings were spread wide, and her golden eyes bore into his.


"Hi, Dan

2:1983 Discuss a coup by Drifting Dragon
“You know what. Haha! I’ve actually been thinking about something.” You started. “There are lots of problems going on here. I mean I’m seeing it all around, I don’t know… how much we could do to help with it but… I don’t know, people like you and I have been wronged in life, I thin

4:404 Dragoness by -
You looked down at your hands, or what used to be your hands. They were now clawed, with iridescent green scales that glittered in the dim light of the pub. Panic surged through you as you realized you were no longer human. You tried to scream, but only a low, rumbling growl escaped your newly form

2:1982 Denounce other pack’s leade by Drifting Dragon
“I don’t particularly agree with that.” You mentioned. “I don’t know, I’ve just had a bit of loyalty formed to the original group I’ve been in y’know, we’ve all been through so much together and-” “Well, listen.” the female started to become a bit visibly irritated at you.

4:391 Jungle Gym by CoggerD
The air becomes humid as the asphalt road of the entrance area becomes a wooden plank path through a deep, dark jungle; the sounds of nature—the hoots of monkeys, the chattering of tropical birds, and roars of jungle predators—surround you, seeming to come from all sides. As you traverse this pa

2:1981 Speak well of the other pack’s leader by Drifting Dragon
“I’m actually glad you feel like, I don’t know, something weird is going on, because I do believe so as well.” “Do you want to know who else knows that?” Your eyes lit up as she hinted something strange to you. “The leader of the other pack has been sensing something’s going on as we

6:725 David by -
Pammy hesitated for a moment before speaking, her voice cautious. "This might not be the best time to bring it up, but I've noticed that you and David seem to be a thing."


Danielle's brow furrowed in surprise at Pammy's observation. She hadn't considered her

2:1980 Talk about the other pack’s leader by Drifting Dragon
“Honestly, I wanted to ask what you think about the leader of the other pack. I wanted to know how the integration is going.” You started. It seemed to be the best option to take her mind off of all the bad stuff in her life, so of course, the best option would be to think about the brightsides

6:719 Stallions by -
As Daniel continued to soar through the night sky as a pegasus mare, his heart raced with a mix of exhilaration and uncertainty. Astra, the pegasus mare who had guided him through this transformation, flew beside him, her silvery-white form shimmering in the moonlight.


Astra's voice

2:1979 Denounce leader by Drifting Dragon
“You know what. I actually agree with you. The leader actually wasn’t right for having more distance with you, especially after everything.” You said. “... Oh? You think so?” She asked. “I mean, he’s the leader, he should know what’s best” She started. “But… I do appreciate hea

6:724 Pammy by -
As Jake walked away, Pammy approached Danielle with a supportive expression, her voice gentle as she spoke, "Are you okay? I imagine having your species changed is quite a shock. But us girls can work together."


Danielle blinked, taken aback by Pammy's assumption. She hesi

2:1978 Speak well of Leader by Drifting Dragon
“I can see where the leader is coming from though.. But I mean I’m still really sorry you’re dealing with that all. Maybe there’s something you could do to make yourself better for him I suppose. If you’re stressed out about these two things then hey, you can solve one, and maybe even the

2:1972 Back to the Cat by -
With the immediate threat averted, you knew that your mission wasn't over. You still held the precious crystal filled with classified data, and its secrets were too significant to leave behind. However, discretion was now your ally, and you resolved to bide your time.


Reluctantly, y