
4:399 Stay on the main path by CoggerD
The sign at the trailhead may or may not have been part of the atmosphere, but you decide not to risk it— besides, as far as you know, that path probably leads to an employees-only area, and you have no intention of getting in trouble for trespassing. The path is long and winding, but eventually y

2:1963 Right now! by Drifting Dragon
“We leave tonight!” You mentioned, not really giving all too much thought into it. Just as hasty as you always were, you figured that there’s no better time than now. You and him concluded your plans swiftly and ended up heading out right then and there. Of course, you were a Selkie, you didn

4:398 Make a run for it by CoggerD
You're fairly certain that following disembodied voices in the forest is a bad idea, and decide to run- even if you don't know where you're going, as long as you go downhill you figure you'll eventually run into the park again and be safe. The voices chase you for a bit, gigglin

2:1962 Find evidence by Drifting Dragon
“Well, if you’d like to know my opinion of things. First thing I think we should do is maybe try to find some evidence for your odd feelings. The best way to prove to others what you’re experiencing is to get them to experience it as well.” “Okay. Yes… I see.” The leader said, ponderin

4:397 Explore the side path by CoggerD
You're genuinely curious about where the dirt path might possibly lead, and figure that it's obvious enough that it wouldn't count as “straying”. After all, they wouldn't put it there if they didn't intend for it to be used. Besides, if it turned out to be an employees-o

2:1961 Business by Drifting Dragon
“You mentioned something coming. Right? Do you think we can talk a bit about that.” You said, bringing the conversation to a more serious note. You truly did want to help these people out, especially because in the long run, it will be helping you out. That’s just how the game is played. “Le

4:396 The mountain path by CoggerD
As much as you like dark rides, you think you'd rather just explore for a bit more, and the mountain path seems like a perfect way to do it. The twin fox statues seem charming in a way, and the path looks quite well-kept, with gravel made of smooth pebbles and the occasional small flight of st

2:1960 Bribe by Drifting Dragon
Well, you knew you had him wrapped around your finger. Out of all the things you could have done, the one thing you were really sure about was that if you had rolled over and submitted to the leader like a dog, you would instantly get his favor. They were just like wild animals or something anyway,

4:390 Hidden Mountain by CoggerD
Upon passing through a Torii gate-like wooden arch, the park suddenly gives way to a medieval Japanese village, with the namesake mountain looming over it, covered in deep forests and capped with a Shinto-esque shrine. The smells of traditional Japanese cooking fill the air, making your mouth water.

2:1959 Talk about Politics by Drifting Dragon
“I just wanted to be able to talk more about this wonderful pack of yours. Tell me a little bit more about what’s going on here. I’m also interested in how well everyone’s been fitting into the other pack?” You asked, honestly wondering what was going on nowadays. “How does it compare to

4:389 Mystic Waters by CoggerD
A fresh, cool, salty ocean breeze wafts towards you as you approach Mystic Waters; upon passing through an arch, you see a massive bay stretch out before you, the architecture looking decidedly Greco-Roman. A water park with slides of various sizes—seemingly made of marble, some even looking like

2:1958 Go back by Drifting Dragon
“Hey, this was fun, but I promised you that I was going to make sure you’d get back in time.” The sentiment made him shoot you a warm smile. You nodded back at him, urging him to take your advice. You knew the time was ticking. “Okay. I really appreciate the reminder.” He said. “We can g

4:395 Fog by CoggerD
After a bit of thought, you curse under your breath—you've never been good at riddles. But you figure a guess is better than nothing, and so you shout the first thing that comes to mind: “Fog!” A few moments pass, and the eyes of the bust glow bright red as a voice booms:



2:1957 Keep going by Drifting Dragon
“Let’s keep going.” You asked, looking deeply into his eyes. “Deeper into the cave?” He asked. Your eyes lit up, you knew exactly what he was thinking and you couldn’t stop thinking about the only thing you wanted to do with him from that point on. Just like earlier, you led him deeper a

2:1971 The information by -
With a digital breath, you plunged into the depths of the data terminal, embarking on a digital odyssey that would unravel the very essence of the cyberpunk city's enigma.


The first node you accessed told the story of the transformation virus's humble beginnings. It had its roo

2:1956 Go for a swim by Drifting Dragon
You figured that the best thing you could do about this problem and any of the other problems at this point is to do something to take your mind off of it. You had clearly picked up the vibes that the leader of the pack was giving you and your heart was completely stolen by his absolute charm. You w

4:394 The right passage by CoggerD
You'd rather not risk the stairway leading into the dark abyss; the brightly-lit gentle slope on your right seems a much safer bet. As you ascend, you see the walls dominated by carvings of humans... at first. The more you progress upward, however, the more the walls seem to display images of

2:1955 Romance by Drifting Dragon
Somehow, all the time you had spent with the group, helping out everyone, and working so closely with someone of such high status started getting to your head. The male elephant seal had never looked more attractive to you, his large tubular nose and the multiple layers of thick blubber seemed perfe

4:403 A sarcophagus by CoggerD
You're closer to the walls anyway, so you decide to try one of the sarcophagi leaning against them first; upon approaching the one closest to you, you struggle to move the heavy lid... but after much strain, it falls off. Unfortunately, within the sarcophagus, there seems to be nothing but mum

2:1954 Your pack’s leader by Drifting Dragon
Honestly, you had grown pretty attached to this pack as a whole. After what seemed like ages over the past few days, you had become friendly with more of the seals, but there wasn’t anyone in the pack more grateful for your help than the pack’s leader. He was a massive elephant seal, far larger