
5:67 Backdoor by The Futa Guy
I still think this is a bad idea. You think to yourself as Kasumi slowly creaks open the back door. She stops when she hears a slight tug on the handle.




You brought your lantern up to see if you could see what the wire was connected to and it appeared to be an alarm

1:1680 Goblins by -
On the other hand, the card with the attribute Speech: Dog could potentially give you the ability to communicate with other animals, opening up new avenues of exploration and problem-solving.


After a moment's consideration, you decide to choose the Speech: Dog card. You slip it into

5:66 The white elm by The Futa Guy
At the white elm tree, there was a lantern hanging from one of the branches. You jump up to grab it as was just barely within reach. With it, in hand, you held it up to illuminate your way and you notice light blue markings heading in a westward direction. You follow the markings until eventually, y

1:1672 I'll be staying by Psto1464
“I'll be staying,” you say firmer than the dear Captain expected. Eric takes a step back from you, surprised. In for the minute, in for the mile. Why not stay? You even have a few ideas on how to get these guys laid, or even some wives. Your brain whirls with legends of selkies getting huma

5:65 Upwards towards the Mountains by The Futa Guy
You left upwards towards Sensei’s home only to find the way blocked by fallen trees. Undeterred you headed up around into the forest to find an alternate path. Making your way through Kasumi began to realize she was starting to get turned around and your knowledge of the area was fuzzy and didn

4:380 Gods & Godesses by
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, feeling the familiar rush of energy as you prepare to make your first jump. You've been fascinated with mythology for as long as you can remember, and the idea of jumping into a world of gods and goddesses fills you with excitement and anticipation.

5:64 Leave for Sensei’s House by The Futa Guy
“I think we will check out your Sensei’s house,” Kasumi said quietly, as you made your way through the quiet halls of the Academy’s lower level. Eventually you found your way outside into the mountainous forests of the rockies. The outside of the school was dotted with trees and a blanket of

1:1671 I'll be going by Psto1464
“I'll be going... sorry,” you weren't prepared to deal with the bagged or implied night in the captain's room.


“Understood, go.” Eric nodded his head towards the deck side. Dropping the jacket off your shoulders, you push yourself to the edge of the deck. Looking a

5:63 Confront the threat. by The Futa Guy
You passed around Kubo to greet the man coming. You recognized him immediately as the upstairs hall monitor, an older boy named Minato.


“Kubo? Who is this woman and why is she in the security corridor?” Minato asked.


“This woman is named Master Kasumi. Your sensei invit

1:1679 A Sphinx Riddle by -
You have card in your hand saying Intelegenge: + " and the sphinx grins in response "I can play a card too. Species: Sphinx"


Your feet elongate, stretching and twisting until they resemble the paws of a lion. Your arms shorten, becoming covered in golden fur as they merge

5:62 Take his offer. by The Futa Guy
“Sure, I was thinking that I would need an assistant,” Kasumi said, she enjoyed having power over the nervous brat. “However, I’d like to get to the stairs without the other students knowing. Don’t want the surprise spoiled that they’ll have a guest teacher.”


“R-right. Th

1:1670 Hope for the best by Psto1464
“Don't eat me!” You cry the first thought that enters your head, curling into a ball. Or, as close as you were able to, seeing how you're tangled in a net you are. Eyes clenched tight.


“We will not eat you, Selkie.” A hand gently touches your flippers, lifting them and

5:61 Turn right by The Futa Guy
Turning right down the hallway, you immediately locked eyes with a patrolling student.What bad luck!


“Halt! Who goes there!” The student was considerably shorter than you were now, and in your elder form you saw him less as a contemporary and ore as a child.


Drat. Kubo! W

1:1678 Now Alone by -
Using second person write a story about a magic board and card game that transforms the players when they play cards but they remain human until then.


Rewrite the following page "At first, you and your friends are ecstatic about your new game, You eagerly unbox the game and start se

5:60 Older woman by The Futa Guy
“An older woman? I like the way you think, those boys won’t know what hit 'em.”


Woman? You watched in shock as she snapped your fingers and suddenly you had something very different between your legs. Your body began to grow taller, putting you two heads taller than you were.

1:1669 Fight, and run! by Psto1464
When the man become closer, you use all your strength to wiggling and fail about. Hard shouts urged on your adrenaline racing body. More shouts, made you struggle even harder. Then you were free! Free as a selkie can be! You do the awkward seal roll to move across the deck of the ship. It took two o

5:59 Accept Kasumi's offer. by The Futa Guy
"I'll do it." You say. "Take over my body." You dry swallow and steel yourself for what is to come. When Kasumi speaks next it feels as if she’s inside your skull. "Good choice, you won’t regret it." Suddenly, what felt like a gust of air rushed up your knows a

2:1916 Exploring the town by
Your body feels strange, and you feel as if you're wearing some sort of heavy, uncomfortable costume. You're not sure what to do at first. You feel confused and overwhelmed, but then you hear a soft whine from outside. You get up and walk to the window, and you see a friendly-looking golde

2:1915 The First Day by
You take a deep breath and look around the barn, taking in your new surroundings. You're surrounded by other anthropomorphic goats, all milling about and going about their business. You're not sure what you're supposed to do or where you're supposed to go, but you know one thing

1:1668 Human Curiosity by Psto1464
That ship was way too interesting to pass up! You decide to get a closer look. It didn't take you too long to catch up with the ship. When you got closer, you see the reason why. The large ship, which was something from a pirate movie for sure, except this one was for hauling fish. Braided thic