
2:2010 Exploring the Village by -
The next day dawned with a sense of both novelty and routine. You awoke in your three-headed form, the reality of your situation sinking in. The villagers had already made arrangements for your integration into their daily activities, and you found yourself swept up in the rhythm of Cerberus life.

5:79 Kangaroo by -
You carefully enter the room marked by the lotus flower engraving, and the door creaks softly as you push it open. The hidden lantern casts an eerie glow on the contents within. The room is filled with an eclectic assortment of objects from various cultures and eras. Ornate weapons, ancient scrolls

2:1950 Stay back for a moment by Drifting Dragon
You just stay back and watch. At this point, it was still hard for you to make out what they were saying but before long you started to hear what you thought was some kind of garbled english. Since you decided to stay back, you just sit and watch as they continue barking their complaints, but you st

2:2009 A Home by -
As the blinding white light dissipated, you found yourself standing on the outskirts of a humble village. The air was filled with the familiar scents of nature, and the surroundings were populated by beings with three canine heads like your own.


The villagers approached you, their three

5:78 Throught the Skylight by -
You carefully navigate the rafters above the Inner Garden, avoiding any loose boards or creaky spots that might give away your presence. The soft sound of the waterfall below provides some cover, but you know that any sudden noise could alert the meditating Yeomen or the hidden student in the rafter

6:731 Why are you not a male human? by -
"Why are you not a male human? " Pammy asked.


With a gulp she started her answer, "Because I am not...", she thought desperately if she could explain all of this away, " because I always felt off in my old body... Like it didn't fit right..." Why was sh

4:418 Dragoness by -
"So, how do you like being a dragoness?" Roland asked with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.


Paul blinked, still adjusting to the fantastical setting. "Wait, dragoness? This is a dragon. I am male," he replied, his voice carrying the deep resonance of his draconic fo

2:2008 Fine then by Drifting Dragon
“Okay whatever.” You said. Honestly, you wern’t particularly invested in convincing the group of whatever you could come up with on the fly. Honestly, it just felt too exhausting to keep up with all the lies you could have ended up telling this random group of seals. With that, you decided to

6:740 2-3 David by -
The room held a moment of anticipation as Danielle made her choice, opting for '2-3' and selecting David. The dice seemed to acknowledge the decision, and a sense of consequence lingered in the air.


As Danielle completed her choice, Gassan and Jake felt a curious sensation on t

4:413 Alpha Female by -
The zookeeper's voice echoed through the moonlit forest, cutting through the surreal atmosphere. "Of course, we already have the alpha male, so your role will be the alpha female," he announced with a grin that sent shivers down your spine.


As the words hung in the air, yo

2:2007 Other Seals by Drifting Dragon
“Well I’ve seen some other seals in the area, if there’s something going on or anything, then I wanted you to know that it’s about that. I think we’re trying to be invaded or taken over or something.” You mentioned. “Oh really? Huh? That’s weird because actually-” “Hey! Don’t t

6:739 Royalty by -
David, the last to take his turn, approached the cosmic board with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. He picked up the dice and gave them a roll, the room holding its breath as the dice clattered and the final card materialized with an ethereal glow.


The words on the card hinted at a s

3:412 Female by -
As you stand in the aftermath of your initial metamorphosis, a subtle yet profound shift begins to permeate the air. The magical energies that linger in the room stir once again, taking on a different quality. Your skunkish senses tingle, alerting you to the impending transformation that awaits.


4:416 The first Day by -
As he stepped out of the Enchanted Threads shop, the bustling city awaited in all it's glory. Towering buildings adorned with cheetah motifs stretched towards the sky, and the streets were alive with the elegant movements of cheetahs.


He felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness

2:2006 Orcas by Drifting Dragon
“There is an unseen danger here, and it’s actually much slower than what you would expect. I can feel it. It’s just underneath the surface, watching, waiting in hiding for the right opportunity to strike.” You said, attempting to sound a bit more distressed than you were. Honestly you were d

2:2011 Stegosaur by catprog
In the dimly lit room, the air was heavy with anticipation, and you found yourself surrounded by an array of costumes, each one meticulously crafted to represent various female land creatures. There was an otherworldly quality to the place, a sense that the costumes held secrets and stories waiting

6:738 Sphinx by -
Gassan, with a sense of both wonder and trepidation, picked up the dice and rolled them across the cosmic board. The card materialized with an ethereal glow, its words hinting at Gassan's unique transformation:


"In the cosmic realm, the enigma unfolds. Wings of enchantment grac

8:147 Jaguar Power Armor by -
Startled awake by a soft, ethereal glow, you follow the mesmerizing light to the edge of the cave. There, you discover a mysterious set of power armor, its anthropomorphic jaguar design illuminated by the otherworldly radiance. The armor seems to pulse with energy, and a faint hum resonates in the a

2:2005 I have been sent by humans to help by Drifting Dragon
“This is going to be hard to believe. Honestly, I don’t even know if I should come out about this, but I was actually sent by the humans to warn you about that unseen danger. Things are changing and I bet there were ways you could feel it yourself.” You said. Somehow, your pitch started to see

6:737 Skunk by -
Jake took hold of the dice, anticipation evident in his eyes. He rolled them across the mystical board, and as they settled, a card materialized with an ethereal glow. The words on the card hinted at the skunk-inspired transformation:


"In the cosmic ballet, a scent of mystery and tr