
4:441 Retreat by TheGreatJaceyGee
The voice of a child tore Jared out of his stupor. He swung his head to the left where the forest was. Standing there were a couple of human kids, neither of them older than 13, one girl, one boy. They were dressed for a hike with big boots, backpacks, and shorts. Suddenly the boy made to run after

4:440 Eat by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared woke up to the sun rising the next morning. It was jarring to find himself floating in the water still. Apparently, he could literally regulate how he floated and breathed in his sleep. A wave would come over him and his nostrils would close like a seal or a dolphin’s blowhole. He started pa

4:439 Swiming by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared’s journey came to a stop upon the discovery of a large pond at the end of the forest. He seemed to stumble upon it accidentally, but something told him that wasn’t the case. His Vaporeon instincts, those buried within the very inner crevices of his brain, demanded he find some place to swi

4:438 Exploring by TheGreatJaceyGee
Dugtrio,” it said in a nasally voice, one Jared understood. Look, a Vaporeon, the larger diglett told his two comrades.


A surprised Jared physically leaned back. He heard nothing but the Pokémon’s name and yet it rang in his mind as clearly as someone speaking English. He tried talk

4:437 Exploring by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared remembered his apartment looming behind him. He turned around and saw that the screen portal between the two realms was missing like it had never been there in the first place. Well, shit. Looks like I’m not going back there anytime soon. He thought another week would pass when another onesi

4:436 Vaporeon by TheGreatJaceyGee
The outfit sat snugly around his body. With no mirror to inspect himself in, he turned the TV off and looked at himself in its black screen. His bronzed face was all that poked out from the tightly wound hoodie. Referring to another Nintendo character, he looked like Samus Aran in her Zero suit. It

4:435 Pokemon by TheGreatJaceyGee
It was just for a moment, barely a flash, but beaming from the television was a peculiar smell. Jared didn’t see what channel it was. In his haste to scroll through them all he’d passed it by three whole spots. He backpedaled one by one until that aura was beaming out of the screen again. He had

4:434 TV by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared’s life as a sphinx carried on as normally as it would in any other universe he had at his disposal. The three of them, those belonging to the skunks, wolverines, and tigertaurs, all hung in his closet where he’d first encountered them after a fortnight in that Egyptian realm. Lacking was a

2:2017 Afternoon by -
As the sun reaches its zenith, the heat of the day intensifies. The herd begins to stir from their midday rest, and you find yourself naturally falling into their rhythm. The leader, whom you've come to think of as Scarfrill due to the distinctive mark on her crest, lets out a low rumble. It�

2:2016 Herd by -
As you take your first steps into this new world, the grass beneath your feet feels like a lush carpet, each blade swaying gently in the warm breeze. Your new senses are overwhelmed with information, picking up scents and sounds that would have been imperceptible to your human form. The sun overhead

2:2015 Triceratops by -
You find yourself in a dimly lit chamber, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The air is thick with the scent of old fabric and mystery. Your eyes, adjusting to the gloom, begin to discern shapes in the shadows - five distinct forms, each more fantastical than the last

4:433 The costumes are back by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared wanted to see it all, but there was no damn way he was going to experience it driving around in a car. He was going to fly through it every day, not giving a damn how tired it made him or how far he would actually get. He was going to quite literally spread his wings and enjoy every second of

4:432 Back to the Apartment by TheGreatJaceyGee
The air jerked him hard, pulling the skin of his face off his skull and knocking the wind out of him. His wings stayed straight, so did his heavy cat body. His human half stood erect, the arms out at his sides like he was balancing on a rope. He looked down and saw his forelegs dangling above a slow

4:431 Take off by TheGreatJaceyGee
Apparently, he didn’t have to. Looking up from his phone he noticed a vast space in his apartment where there wasn’t any furniture. It led to a wide pair of sliding doors which in turn led into a balcony. Wait, I never had that. Jared stepped outside and realized it was one of the balconies sphi

4:430 Photos by TheGreatJaceyGee
But there were other pictures too, ones he never remembered taking. They were shots of the earth taken from the sky. Beautiful landscapes that included rivers, mountains, forests, and plains. The shot that amazed him the most was that of the city. What looked like a million skyscrapers were stretche

4:429 Apartment by TheGreatJaceyGee
At a stop light he pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the GPS app. Luckily, the first option that came up was his apartment address. Only one thing was odd. It said the distance between his location and the park was over 7 miles which was way longer than what was between his apartment and

4:428 Driving by TheGreatJaceyGee
The entire sequence was amazing in its banality. Jared had just watched a mythical creature climb into a pickup truck and drive away. After a whole week spent alone in the forest, it was the small things that would strike Jared silent and make him wonder what other oddities he would encounter. It wa

4:427 To the truck by TheGreatJaceyGee
“Are you OK?” she asked. “You look lost.”


Shit. I probably am lost. Just act cool. “Um, sorry. I just wandered into the woods behind me and got a little disorientated.”


She smiled at him. “Oh, that’s alright. Are you looking for the entrance?”



4:426 Park by TheGreatJaceyGee
His train of thought was cut by the sudden sweep of a shadow. It blew across the forest floor and blew past him with enough speed to make him duck. He looked up at the canopy and saw what had created it zooming just over the treetops. A bird or… something? Jared hadn’t seen it long enough to tel

4:425 Wear it by TheGreatJaceyGee
Like always, there was only one way to find out. Jared laid the suit out belly-down on the tree roots and saw that the zipper was on the back this time, starting at the root of the tail and going all the way up to the front of the hood, bisecting it. Makes sense. Would be a pain in the ass getting i