
2:1930 Dive deeper by Drifting Dragon
As you plunged into the ocean, the feeling of the ice cold water was almost relieving the deeper you pierced into the water. You could feel your body cutting effortlessly through the ocean as you continued to swim. Somehow, you never felt this alive in your life- maybe it was just the cold water on

6:710 Duct Infiltration by -
The journey to Area 50 was nothing short of an adventure. Daniel had heard of the place before, a rumored government facility hidden away from public view, shrouded in mystery and conspiracy theories. He wasn't entirely sure if the place even existed, but he figured it was worth checking out fo

2:1929 Achieve Id by -
On the third night, as the neon lights of the cyberpunk city begin to cast their vibrant hues upon the streets, you find yourself standing once again in the presence of the anthro cat. His form emerges from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with a mix of intrigue and satisfaction. There's a sense

2:1928 Dreams by -
In the realm of dreams, a vivid tapestry unfolds before your closed eyes. You find yourself in the cyberpunk city once more, but this time, your perspective has shifted. You're no longer an anthromorphic rat navigating its streets; instead, you're a male human, your form blending seamlessl

2:1927 Scavenging by -
As the anthro cat's presence fades into the shadows, a sense of contemplation lingers within you. The weight of his proposition and the implications of his knowledge about the hidden journal have left an indelible mark on your thoughts. You find yourself standing at the precipice of a decision

2:1926 The Hacker by -
With a belly partially full from the discarded food you scavenged, your thoughts turn to the challenge of acquiring an identification in this cyberpunk city. As an anthromorphic rat, you've realized that blending into society isn't as simple as it might have been in your human life. The bo

2:1925 The Second Night by -
s the gentle rays of the setting sun begin to filter through the hidden corners of your apartment, your body stirs from its slumber. You awaken with a sense of clarity, your mind still steeped in the memories of your human life yet knowing that those recollections are fleeting, like dreams slipping

2:1924 Secret Journal by -
With the first light of dawn coloring the sky in delicate shades of pink and gold, you descend from the heights of the Megatower, leaving behind the mesmerizing cityscape that you've come to adore. As you navigate the labyrinthine alleyways, you find yourself drawn to a hidden corner of the cit

2:1923 Cyperpunk by -
The moment your nimble paws touch the rain-slicked pavement, a rush of exhilaration courses through your veins. The city's cyberpunk charm envelopes you, its neon-lit streets beckoning you to explore its secrets. You dart through the bustling crowds of humans, androids, and fellow anthromorphic

2:1922 Rat by -
You stand before the mirror, the rat costume draped over your arm. Its worn fabric feels strangely alive beneath your touch, as if it's whispering secrets only you can hear. Curiosity gets the better of you, and with a shrug, you decide to try it on. The moment the fabric envelops your body, a

2:1921 Rhino by -
As you step through the creaky door, you're met with an unexpected sight. The room is filled with an array of colorful and meticulously crafted costumes, each one resembling a different female land animal. Zebra stripes, leopard spots, and even the elegant antlers of a deer adorn the outfits th

4:385 Sphinx by -
As you pass through the portal, the space between realities becomes a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. You feel weightless, as if you are floating through an endless expanse of cosmic energy. Time loses its grip on you, and the concept of past and present blur together.


The colors

1:1685 Dragoness by -
The ground grows smaller beneath you, replaced by a panoramic view of the sprawling kingdom below. Your heart races, a mix of fear and regret flooding your veins. How did a moment of arrogance lead you to this perilous predicament?


"Get me down!" you demand of the genie, your v

4:384 The Rest of the world by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jasmine all but burst out of the front entrance and into the parking lot. As expected, all of the cars were stretched widthwise to accommodate their much girthier occupants. On the way to hers Jasmine spotted one of her neighbors getting out of his truck. Back in the human reality he had driven a gr

4:383 Homelife by TheGreatJaceyGee
That reminded her, she had a scale in the bathroom in both her previous lives. She turned and saw it next to the shower stall. It was a large platform made of acrylic with a digital screen for displaying the weight. That was almost exactly how it looked before, only something was different about it.

4:382 Wolverine by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jasmine held on to the letter for a while, reading it and rereading it several times over. There was no reference to Leland’s handwriting, but she had no doubt that the eloquently curvaceous script in front of her was a result of the wizard’s hand. How did he find her so quickly? Did he always k

2:1920 Safron City by PoKeHybridTrainer
The excitement of mystery was too much for your curiosity. Like slotting in a cassette, your mind switched gears and focused, gathering all your psychic energy together. In a dazzling bright light, you disappeared with a poof.


A faint Mew-head shape was scorched into the ground in your w

2:1919 Mew by PoKeHybridTrainer
Opening your eyes, you find yourself in an unfamiliar place. Sitting in the middle of a carpeted room, away from anything familiar, you try to assess what brought you here. The carpet lines not only the floor but also the walls and ceilings. At the end of each of the eight directions in the circular

2:1918 Panther by -
As you step into the room, the door slams shut behind you, the click of the lock echoing ominously. Your eyes widen in disbelief as you take in your surroundings. The room is filled with an array of animal costumes, each one unmistakably feminine in design. You hesitate for a moment, unsure of what

8:143 Dragoness by -
As your gaze shifts back to the sketch you've drawn, a wave of astonishment courses through you. The lines on the paper seem to come alive, flowing and twisting as they transform into the elegant form of a dragoness. With wide eyes, you watch as the illustration takes on depth and dimension, he