Books that I feel are the best of the lot:

Series that could have tf in the future



Ranking Summary  

Axtara - Magic and Mischief

5/5 Review An excllent exploration of what happens when species are swapped Axtara - Magic and Mischief

By a Silver Thread

3/5 Review A story that has a late transformation but some intresting ideas. By a Silver Thread

Captured by Fate

1/5 Review A story that stuffers from one of my main criticism with many transformation stories. Captured by Fate

Wings of Change

2/5 Review Too much begining that is mostly irrelevent to the rest of the story Upon Wings of Change Kindle Edition

I Promised Everyone Some Substitute Familiar Short Stories But Before I Knew It I'd Written A Whole Book?

1/5 Review Too many stories for the length and lack of conflict I Promised Everyone Some Substitute Familiar Short Stories But Before I Knew It I'd Written A Whole Book?

I Asked For Squid Maids But I Didn't Know I'd Become One!

1/5 Review A story that has very little transformation content I Asked For Squid Maids But I Didn't Know I'd Become One!

My Friends And I Were Turned Into Catgirls But That Was Just The Beginning Of Our Cat Wishes Stories

1/5 Review Too much reliance on the orginal story means you don't know the characters. My Friends And I Were Turned Into Catgirls But That Was Just The Beginning Of Our Cat Wishes Stories

My New Life as a Dragon In Another World

0/5 Review

A story that has no countiuity between chapters

My New Life as a Dragon In Another World

Dragon Latitudes

3/5 Review A good story let down by a cliff hanger Dragon Latitudes

Non Sequitur the Equitaur

0/5 Review 15% and no plot established yet Non Sequitur the Equitaur

Dragon Latitude

3/5 Review A story with intresting ideas let down by a cliffhnager and bad conclusion. Dragon Latitude

By a Silver Thread

3/5 Review Intresting ideas but the transformation itself is only a small part. By a Silver Thread

A New You: Volume 1 (Dark Tales Of Transformation- New You)

0/5 Review Not very good endings made me give up.


0/5 Review Too much tell instead of show. Splash

Magical Transformation

2/5 Review Transformations with no plot

Dragon Forged

2/5 Review A tf that is only their as an excuse for the plot Dragon Forged

The Scarlet Wolf

3/5 Review Wolf tf with litrpg
The Scarlet Wolf

Hat Trick

4/5 Review Intresting and distinct characters with nearly everything not working as you expected. Hat Trick

In Clawed Grasp

1/5 Review Not much transformation brings it down to 1 In Clawed Grasp


1/5 Review A story with a inconsistent charatcter and no real payoff for the romance plot Stray

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