Books that I feel are the best of the lot:

Series that could have tf in the future



Ranking Summary  

Storm Shift

1/5 Review A story that focuses to much on the attraction between the characters rather then the plot or transformation.
Storm Shift

Bitten by Moonlight

2/5 Review A bunch of stories that either contain too many storylines or need expanding.
Bitten by Moonlight

Percival Pouncer and the Problematic Portal: Hand of Fate Adventures #1

1/5 Review A CYOA story that does not really have much branching.
Percival Pouncer and the Problematic Portal: Hand of Fate Adventures #1

Moon Bitten

2/5 Review A story that is average and is let down by the ending.
Moon Bitten

Dragon Blood

2/5 Review A story with no surprises and is too fast. Dragon Blood

The Den

1/5 Review A book that only just gets it's 1
The Den The Silver Drink

Shapechanger's Birth (Shapechanger Tales Book 1)

2/5 Review A little transformation content but not a lot.
Shapechanger's Birth (Shapechanger Tales Book 1)

The Soft Fall

0/5 Review A story where despite being a main character their is little actual transformation content.
The Soft Fall

Oath Sworn

5/5 Review

Ab interesting world setup. good world building.

Oath Sworn

The Lioness & The Dragon

0/5 Review

Not much transformation and not a good story

Shadowcroft Academy For Dungeons: Year One

2/5 Review A little bit of transformation content and a little bit of story

Limitless Seas Book 1: Privateer

1/5 Review A little transformation but not much.
Limitless Seas Book 1: Privateer

Shifter In The Swamp

1/5 Review No real plot makes this one to skip,
Shifter In The Swamp

Heiress to the Shepherd's Estate

3/5 Review Well described characters and good world building, but pacing issues stop this one from being excellent.
Heiress to the Shepherd's Estate

Blood Claws (New York Paranormal Police Department Book 1)

2/5 Review Little plot relevent transformation content but a decent plot.
Blood Claws (New York Paranormal Police Department Book 1)

Transformation (DA Shadow Phantom Book 1)

0/5 Review Way to many characters with little differentiation and too much scenery made me give up 1 chapter in.

Dead Dragons, New Tricks

1/5 Review The only transformation being human<->dragon forms and not a lot of that makes this not a good transformation book.
Dead Dragons, New Tricks

Amber Silverblood

2/5 Review A story that started of promising but a series of unlikable characters killed it. Plus it is the same werewolf story at the core as nearly everything else.
Amber Silverblood

Seven Years Awesome Luck

3/5 Review An interesting story with good transformation content but it is not sure about what plot it wants.
Seven Years Awesome Luck

Never A Dragon

2/5 Review A story that does not seem to have much plot relevant tf.
Never A Dragon

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