Books that I feel are the best of the lot:

Series that could have tf in the future



Ranking Summary  

Black Leopard, Red Wolf

0/5 Review A confusing story with very little transformation. Black Leopard, Red Wolf

To the Core: Book I

2/5 Review A story that starts off with too many characters, some transformation and little story.
To the Core: Book I

Bad Attitude

1/5 Review Very little transformation means this barley gets a 1.

Mermaid Monster

1/5 Review A story with a little bit of transformation and a very unsatisfying ending.
Mermaid Monster

Rise of the Draman: A medieval dragon fantasy

0/5 Review It is pretty much standard orphan dragon rider story just with dragon scales added to the riders. Rise of the Draman: A medieval dragon fantasy

Pride Fall

2/5 Review Still to many characters and plots but at least the ending sticks to a single plot
Pride Fall

Altered Realms: Ascension

1/5 Review Very little transformation and overly wordy for what plot their is.

Mermaid Urges

0/5 Review A story that spends most of the time setting up before the real plot comes in and does not handle it well.
Mermaid Urges

Wings (Spirits of Chaos Book 2)

2/5 Review Interesting story but little transformation content.
Wings (Spirits of Chaos Book 2)

A Time of Change

1/5 Review Bad writing and a ending out of nowhere means I could only just finish it.

Issaura's Claws

0/5 Review A story that introduces new characters every couple of chapters and then leaves nearly every one of them within a few chapters.
Issaura's Claws

Scaleshifter: The Black Dragon

2/5 Review A sequel that does not have much transformation content.
Scaleshifter: The Black Dragon

The Amazing Transformation of Ben Johnson

0/5 Review A poor start that gets worse
The Amazing Transformation of Ben Johnson

Draw One in the Dark

3/5 Review Some points of difference but an average book in the end.
Draw One in the Dark

Blasphemy Online Volume 2: Occult Place to Die

2/5 Review Not much transformation, interesting plot but slightly too many characters.
Blasphemy Online Volume 2: Occult Place to Die

Lazy Scales

3/5 Review A decent read if you do not mind some of the situation.
Lazy Scales

Fantastic Schools: Volume One

1/5 Review Only one story has transformation and it is not very good.
Fantastic Schools: Volume One


3/5 Review Decent dragon transformation with little transformations.

Blue Moon

4/5 Review A very interesting mix of world building and characters let slightly down by repeated (short) character descriptions
Blue Moon

Chrysalis - A Fantasy LitRPG

1/5 Review Plots that are forgetten and a Main character that may as well be human
Chrysalis - A Fantasy LitRPG

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