Books that I feel are the best of the lot:

Series that could have tf in the future



Ranking Summary  


1/5 Review A story that started with potential but did not deliver.

The Dolphins of Oceanus

2/5 Review Their is the essence of a story here but too many character distract and their is no real conclusion.
The Dolphins of Oceanus

Neon Dark

1/5 Review While the idea is interesting the execution is not.

Skin & Bones

2/5 Review One that started with shifting but it fades into the background.
Skin & Bones

Birth of the Dragon

1/5 Review What is setup to be a dragon transfomation is only a ar transformation and then gives up on the story
Birth of the Dragon

Animal Kingdom: Riot

1/5 Review A good start but as a transformation story very lacking. Also too many stat boxes.
Animal Kingdom: Riot

Leap of Faith

0/5 Review A good potential let down by a bad character and little transformation.
Leap of Faith

The Sphinx (Scorned by the Gods Book 1)

1/5 Review If you are looking for a story that has some transformation, I can recommend this one. If you are looking for something where the transformation has an effect on the plot then look elsewhere
The Sphinx (Scorned by the Gods Book 1)

Kitsune Tales

2/5 Review A story with potential let down by a confusing ending and being too short. But the potential for a 5 is their.
Kitsune Tale

Paint the Toon Red

3/5 Review

Interesting ideas and somewhat good execution.

The Last Hatchling

4/5 Review Overall while their are problems with this book. Having read so many bad books recently I am glad to give this one a 4
The Last Hatchling


2/5 Review A good start but the plots start multiplying and none of them have a satisfying conclusion.

A Tail's Misfortune: Maturity

2/5 Review Interesting kitsune story with some things to recommend.
A Tail's Misfortune: Maturity

Freehaven Online: Lady Thunderlord, Into Hades

1/5 Review Good story, little transformation
Freehaven Online: Lady Thunderlord, Into Hades

Nine Tails 1: First Shift

2/5 Review Pretty standard transformation story with nothing that stands out.
Nine Tails 1: First Shift

Finding the Kingdom of the Centaurs

1/5 Review Too many storylines means each one only get a chapter.

Dogs Are A Mans Best Friend: A collection of short transformation stories

0/5 Review The biggest problem is all the stories are pretty much the same. Dogs Are A Mans Best Friend

Steel Dragon

2/5 Review Some interesting ideas but little actual transformation content
Steel Dragon

Ash & Ambition (Nor Fang, Nor Fire Book 1)

2/5 Review Interesting story but not much transformation content.


2/5 Review Some idea but nothing that makes it stand out.

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