Books that I feel are the best of the lot:

Series that could have tf in the future



Ranking Summary  

Half A mimic

1/5 Review Replace the mimic with a human who can borrow traits and you have the same story Half a Mimic

When Women Were Dragons

2/5 Review An intresting idea that is let down by a slow opening When Women Were Dragons

Of Wizards and Wolves: Tales of Transformation

3/5 Review A collection of intresting situations dealing with transformations.
Of Wizards and Wolves: Tales of Transformation

Clear as Crystal

2/5 Review Good litrpg with the goal not being stats but low transfomration content
Clear as Crystal

Breaker of Horizons

2/5 Review A story that could of had some intresting ideas but when you forget that the person is not human it does not make a good tf story
Breaker of Horizons

A Sovereign's Scorn

0/5 Review A story that had intresting potential that the devolved into sex scenes.
A Sovereign's Scorn


2/5 Review A good story with good transformation content but a poor ending

Transformations: The Shifter Series

1/5 Review A story in which nothing really happened.
Transformations: The Shifter Series

Broken Moon

2/5 Review Standard werewolf plot #1 with some varation.
Broken Moon


3/5 Review A "Sequel" series to another one. A little world building but only a little transformation.

The Noose Of A New Moon

3/5 Review Violent but good world building.
The Noose Of A New Moon


3/5 Review A number of transformations in the side plots and a well executed story give it a passable rating. Stardust

The Sacred Summer

0/5 Review A story that I gave up with due to editing problems.
The Sacred Summer

The Gemstone Chronicles: Transformation

0/5 Review A story that I had to give up on.Telling not showing, invalid physics and then a main character suddenly having an unexplained ability. The Gemstone Chronicles: Transformation

The Fox

1/5 Review A collection of philospical thoughts with a tiny story woven in.
The Fox

Loving the Owl

1/5 Review A "story" I should of stopped so I could give it a 0.
Loving the Owl

Portal of the Tigress

1/5 Review Way to many charactes and places for a short story. Portal of the Tigress


3/5 Review Intresting ideas let down by bad language.


2/5 Review A story that starts off strong but fades in the middle and end.

Chrysalis: The Antventure Begins

2/5 Review While well done and does have momments where the transformation comes into play it is still a pretty standard LITRpg book.
Chrysalis: The Antventure Begins

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