
6:697 School by NovelAi
He meets up with his friend before school at first none of them noticing the fursuit until Jake joins and says "Nice fursuit". The others look over "How did we miss you wearing that until Jake pointed it out?" "It gets even weirder. I can't get it off" Daniel says.

6:696 Fursuit by NovelAi
Inside the box was a fursuit. He only knew what it was because of Jake.


"Who would send me a fursuit?" he asks the empty room.


There's nothing else in the box, no instructions or anything. Just a note printed on a piece of paper:  To Daniel  We hope you enj

1:1667 Plain Old Human by Psto1464
You were human enough. Your new selkie part fought against your choice, almost the moment you made it. The internal struggle was a heart racing battlefield, that you won. Diving under the water, you let yourself sink. Watching the light, that pierced the upper layers of the water, disappear while yo

1:1666 Seal Instincts by Psto1464
“Let's not, and say we did.” You decide to listen to your new self, your selkie, seal self. Turning away from the ship, you head out and swim to those rocks. The closer you get, the more activity you notice. Seagulls were crying above. Still swimming, you admire them flying white birds whil

1:1665 Exploring What You Are by Psto1464
You have taken your transformation in stride. You choose to put on the costume, you read all the warnings. This is what you wanted, not what you expected when you entered the store, but what you needed. With that, you shrug off all your worries, and decide to give yourself a better look over. Also,

2:1903 Lapras by PoKeHybridTrainer
Breathing in the salty ocean air, life fills your lungs as dawn’s early light is illuminating the former night sky. Not a single person is on a beach in Cinnabar Island. While it is close to the Kanto region, the only things around you are crab pokémon - sleeping Krabby with snot bubbles in their

2:1902 Male to female by Ri
You wake up, you do your daily routine. You walk to your living room, and find a apple. For some reason you eat it, since after all it was washed and looked good. You continued to eat when suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your head, then you pass out. You wake up to your chest feeling heavy, when s

6:693 You guys don't look so good by Psto1464
“You guys don't look so good.” Dan pointed out, they looked very much like how he felt just before this big change. “Speak for yourself-” Jake said, slapping a hand over his mouth, his charge for Pammy's on-suite bathroom. “Bucket,” Gassen begged while his tanned skin went to a

6:695 Let's hear it by Psto1464
“Okay let's hear it,” Dan braced herself for whatever wacky statement came out of his mouth. “Youtuber,” Jake waved his hands in the air like a spongebob meme. “What?” Gassen, tilted his head and looked at Jake like the mad man that he was. “I'll search and see if there are a

6:694 I'll check for myself! by Psto1464
“I'll just take a look for myself.” Dan tossed back the covers and slid himself out of bed before his friends' jaws had a chance to hit the floor. Standing up was easy. It felt natural to have the tail hanging behind him. “I thought standing would be harder than it was.” Dan looked

6:691 I want to look by Psto1464
“Don't panic.” Pammy said, taking a large hand mirror of her dresser and turning it to face Dan. Who couldn't say a word. He was stunned into silence. He was... he was... “Cute?” Dan noticed the change in voice again. The gentle coo came out of his mouth naturally, like he had been

6:690 Truth Revealed by Psto1464
“I'm...'' Dan stuttered, caught, and rather easily too. He really had no idea what he was going to say. His mouth was dry and his stomach was turning. Acids breaking down more than whatever he had left over from super. “I am...” Dan trailed off. “Yes?” David tipped his face

6:692 Walk Home by Psto1464


“I just got to get home.” Dan shook his head, his friends, this weird situation. It could all be a bad joke or the worst crisis he ever faced. He just couldn't face it right now, and he didn't have to. All he had to do was toss it all to the side and go home. “It's

6:689 Running by Psto1464
He took his chance and ran. Bringing his hands behind his back and twisted the door handle. Dan was outside the room faster than he thought he was capable of. His sneakers squeaked out noises of suffering as he belted his way down the hall. A rug had him slip, but with his adrenaline pumping he felt

6:688 Truth or dare by Psto1464
“You guys are being weird, plain and simple.” Dan could feel his skin crawl with forming goosebumps. These three were his friends for longer than forever. Even their worst pranks didn't give off the energy they were giving off right now. “Like children of the corn weird, it's down ri

4:351 Feline by NovelAi
"What can I get you?" she asks. You're not quite sure how to respond. "Um...a beer please." She nods and heads off. She comes back a moment later with a saucer full of amber liquid. "Here you go miss," she says handing it to you. "Thanks," you say automat

1:1660 The Yaksha II by Hollowpages
You take some time to ponder over the woman’s question for you – you can’t shake off the fact you have no idea what the heck she means exactly, although you hazard a guess that her ‘true self’ might end up looking completely inhuman. You don’t know, but, despite everything running throug

1:1659 The Yaksha by Hollowpages
For a long moment, no one speaks or moves. You feel a sense of unease not unlike what Fia described to you not long ago, yet this one is more prominent, and it’s partly because you’re feeding off the two selkie’s unease, too. This must be a huge deal.


Still, while they seem uncerta

1:1658 The Planes of Existence by Hollowpages
While you recognize there’s a lot going on, you can’t help but yearn to understand as much as you can, and with that in mind, you can’t deny your earnest curiosity.


“If you don’t mind,” you reply after a beat, “I’d like to know more about these… planes.”



1:1657 The Wish Made II by Hollowpages
After giving it some quick thought, as much as you can spare given the limited time you have before Maazi can no longer remain outside of his lamp, you sigh internally as you make your decision – you feel it would probably be best you focus on the Shard location where Maazi’s Master is apparentl