
4:371 Lie by TheGreatJaceyGee
“I…” Crap. Now I have to come up with an excuse. “Earlier… I was having a really bad… cramps… in my stomach.” Maria’s frown deepened. “Were they that bad you had to call me? You didn’t take anything for it?” “Um… I did. They were bad, but nothing was working.” “OK, an

4:370 Skunk too by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared frowned. Jazz? Who the heck is Jazz? “That you, Maria?” Jared called from the kitchen. “Yeah, it’s me. Why do you sound so weird?” “Um… It’s complicated.” He heard her footsteps approaching the kitchen. “Wait! No! Don’t come in here!” She stopped abruptly. “Jazz? Are

4:369 Maria (Sister) by TheGreatJaceyGee
But he couldn’t just lock himself in his apartment for the rest of his life, or however long this curse would last. Maybe Leland will have a cure. That old son of a bitch knew what this would do to me. That would have to wait. First, he had to get help. He ran out of the bathroom, whipping his flu

4:368 Other Apartment by TheGreatJaceyGee
He wasn’t in his apartment for more then five minutes that night before he was stripping down to his underwear so he could try on the onesie. It was laid out on his bed, awaiting his use. When he was down to his underwear, he picked it up and gave it one last look. So real. Nylon, polyester, whate

4:367 Changing Back by ChatGPT
Max, spreads her wings and takes off into the air. But as she flies upward, she crashes into a ceiling. "Ouch," she exclaims, rubbing her head. "I guess this forest is smaller than it seems."


Seth, looks around the forest with wonder. "This is incredible," s

4:366 5 friends for Tabletop by ChatGPT
The five friends gathered around the table, excited to start their game of tabletop RPG. Instead of choosing their usual characters, they decided to shake things up and pulled random characters from a box. At first, they thought it was just their imagination, but as they looked around, they realise

2:1910 Wolf by ChatGpt
You open a box and lift out the costume inside of it. The fur is soft and well-maintained, and the mask is intricately detailed. You can't help but try it on.


As you slip into the costume, you feel a tingling sensation all over your skin. The fur is soft and plush against your body,

4:365 Seven Days by TheGreatJaceyGee
He made it to the seventh day of skunkhood. His face was inescapable, his name on every breath. Jared the skunk man had solidified his legend after just a week of interviews and internet posting. The small city he lived in was now being marked as a possible tourist destination. A-list celebrities we

4:364 Famous by TheGreatJaceyGee
He made it to his car and rode with his sister to his parents’ house. On his way there his voice was being broadcasted everywhere. Nations outside of America knew of Jared. World leaders saw his face. Celebrities dropped their two cents on the matter, either heralding their sympathy or persecuting

4:363 Questions by TheGreatJaceyGee
He woke the next morning and carried out his routine to the best of his ability. He tried to cook himself breakfast only to knock over only three glasses with his bushy skunk tail every time he turned around. After the third glass Maria volunteered to cook for him. He didn’t argue. He plopped dow

4:362 Online by TheGreatJaceyGee
Once it was determined there was no actual emergency, Jared was put in a hospital gown and wheeled on a wheel chair to an examination room. It was on the way that he grabbed the attention of every single person he passed. Children pointed at him to the admonishment of their mothers who were just as

2:1909 Others by NovelAi
You stare at the sea, which is only a few paces away. The sudden change of location on top of your body changing has you overwhelmed with how much your senses have changed. You feel as though you're drowning in the salt water, your mouth dry and your vision blurry. You try to calm yourself, for

4:361 Back to Leland by TheGreatJaceyGee
“I don’t know! But we should do one thing first.” He clenched his fists. “We gotta pay Leland a visit.”


Jared explained who Leland was while the two of them searched for something he could wear to disguise himself. Regular pants weren’t an option, neither were t-shirts. He wa

4:360 Reveal by TheGreatJaceyGee
Maria recoiled backwards and dropped her jaw. This wasn’t anything she could've anticipated. She thought it would be a clown suit he had gotten stuck in somehow. This… wasn’t a clown suit. Still, she didn’t think it was real, just a very convincing looking fursuit or makeup. “Wow! Tha

4:359 Entry by TheGreatJaceyGee
She didn’t ask anymore questions. “OK. I’m on my way.” She hung up the phone, leaving Jared alone in the silence of his apartment. He spent the next several minutes pacing around, rubbing his paws nervously. His pink button nose twitched incessantly. His tail would flick and jitter behind hi

4:358 Sister by TheGreatJaceyGee
Terror set in. “Oh God! Oh no! Why?” He rubbed his paws all over his face, stretching the skin to find any breaches that would reveal normal human skin beneath. All he got was the sight of sharp canines sticking out from his gums. Nothing human besides his upright posture remained. Even his unde

4:357 Change by TheGreatJaceyGee
He had no time to formulate a theory before he felt the onesie tighten around his body like a bag being vacuum-sealed. His spine shot into a straight line. He looked at the mirror and saw that whatever slack the suit had was now gone. It had fit into the contours of his body, leaving absolutely no r

4:356 Apartment by TheGreatJaceyGee
He wasn’t in his apartment for more then five minutes that night before he was stripping down to his underwear so he could try on the onesie. It was laid out on his bed, awaiting his use. When he was down to his underwear, he picked it up and gave it one last look. So real. Nylon, polyester, whate

4:355 Take the Skunk by TheGreatJaceyGee
The old man squinted his eyes at it. “Which one? You mean the skunk one?”


Jared felt a tad embarrassed. “Yeah.”


The old man smiled. From across the room Jared could see how cerulean his eyes were. “Perfect. I didn’t think I’d be selling that any time soon. I’m

4:354 Jared outside of Costumverse by TheGreatJaceyGee
Jared didn’t think much of the novelty shop the first time he saw that it had opened. All he saw were some goofy looking trinkets and gadgets hanging in the window, nothing that quite gathered his interest or delight. A deeper look through the front glass revealed nothing more than counters full o