
4:353 Tiger Taur by NovelAi
At once the staff begins to glow. "Accept my help, and the jungle will be yours" it says. It's strange. Your mind is spinning. You feel a mental presence in your mind, a sort of warm sensation. Something inside of you tells you to trust it. The presence takes root and you feel your bo

4:352 Jungle by NovelAi
Looking outside you seem to be in the middle of a jungle. Trees grow everywhere, their green leaves swaying gently in the breeze. Only the occasional bird chirps can be heard, and the sound of the wind blowing through the trees. The jungle is completely overgrown and impassable right on the outside

6:708 Injection by OakenFerret
The men spoke for a moment, before walking closer to him. He started to struggle against his bonds, fear beginning to build in his chest. It was just like his dreams. That’s it. It was just a dream, all a dream. One dream.


It was not a dream.


The man with the case opened it

6:707 Down by OakenFerret
Naturally, it took only a moment for them all to start walking down the stairs. After all, nothing bad had ever happened in a story about people going into a mysterious basement in the middle of the night. Either way they were far too drunk to actually think.


The smell of an old basemen

6:706 Last Night by OakenFerret
Daniel spotted a small spot on the side, most of the bench was taken up by David. Daniel expected that he would scoot over a little but.. Nothing. David didn’t move a muscle. Daniel poked him a little, before sighing and sitting with the little room he had. He feebly started to eat, looking at eve

6:705 Back in Class by OakenFerret
Daniel made his way into his next class. He was as tired as he was yesterday, not to mention how tired he always was walking into class every day. Feeling spry and alive was a rarity when he was in school.


He set his things down on his desk, pulling out a notepad and pencil. The teacher

6:704 Home nap by OakenFerret
Thankfully, he had a study block next. Since he drove to school, he was allowed to sign out and leave early instead of lingering. Today, he needed that option. Who would’ve thought that one class could take the little steam he had so easily..


He yawned as he slowly made his way through

6:703 Sleepwalk through class by OakenFerret
“Ah! Good to see you Daniel. You look.. Tired. Sleep alright?” “Ugh, no. I had this weird nightmare.. I thought I was fine but it hit like a mule.” Daniel replied, considering the strange snap back to reality he had earlier.


“Woah, weird. Hope you get some rest soon.. Pam and G

6:702 Wake Up by OakenFerret
He abruptly woke up, his head shooting upwards and his eyes blinking into focus. His breaths came in short gasps as he struggled to bring his attention back to the board, which was now covered with equations, chemical bonds, proteins, and a number of sketches in varying colors.


He quickl

6:701 Bus Caught by OakenFerret
The bus was only just before him, thankfully. Nobody else was at the stop, it wouldn’t have waited for him for a moment longer had he not made it. He scrambled onto the bus, before slumping into a seat.


Daniel let out a sigh of relief, the doors of the bus shutting and the vehicle slow

6:700 A normal Morning by OakenFerret
Daniel had been having that dream again. He was trapped. Trapped in a concrete bunker of a room, with men in hazmat suits all around him… There was another man. With a suit. And a briefcase. What was in it… 


He woke up. A bead of sweat dribbled down his forehead, his heart beating i

2:1908 RIGHT by Doppelfoxx
You grit your foreign feeling teeth, and make your decision as quickly as your fear and body’s reluctance to move allows. Pushing on, you feel sweat begin to form beneath your suddenly all-toothick pelt, despite the fact that the air around you isn’t all that hot. In a way, the moisture made it

2:1907 LEFT by Doppelfoxx
You grit your foreign feeling teeth, and make your decision as quickly as your fear and body’s reluctance to move allows. Pushing on, you feel sweat begin to form beneath your suddenly all-toothick pelt, despite the fact that the air around you isn’t all that hot. In a way, the moisture made it

2:1906 TRY TO SEE IF THE COAST IS CLEAR by Doppelfoxx
Stepping back from the grate with a pounding heart, you shake your head yet again. No way I’m going to try to squeeze myself in there. There’s no knowing if I’ll ever be able to get out again. Turning about, you make your way as quietly and quicky as possible to the door, hesitating before the

2:1905 Try to Escape by Doppelfoxx
With a repressed sigh, you fall into step once more behind the creature, and follow him out through the easily ascending door, feeling a little weaker upon your legs than before, and a little as though you had been napping for a long, long time. What did they do to me? Should I be more scared now, o

2:1904 FOLLOW HIM by Doppelfoxx
With a repressed sigh, you fall into step once more behind the creature, and follow him out through the easily ascending door, feeling a little weaker upon your legs than before, and a little as though you had been napping for a long, long time. What did they do to me? Should I be more scared now, o

1:1662 3 for all by Novel Ai
"I will choose 3 for all the categories" you tell the voice. You open your eyes and there is a portal in front of you. It glows a bright blue and you step through it. You wake up in a bedroom. This one at least has a door and closet. You lift the sheets and find out what you are now. The

1:1661 A New life by Novel Ai
You wake up and find yourself in a room with just a bed. Their is not even a closet or a door, it's just the bed. You sit up and look around you. There is nothing else in the room besides you. You have no idea where you are. You're confused and a little scared.



6:699 A New life by Novel Ai
The voice calls out from the dark. "And if you don't have your phone, how are you going to call them?"


Daniel felt a chill run down his spine his eyes darting around the room "Where is it?" he asked.


"It is where you left it. It is you who is e

6:698 Grifoness by NovelAi
"Grifoness" says Daniel immediately. "Wait did I just say what I think I said?" "Yes you did. We heard you" says Jake "Well. I think we need to get you out of that suit right away. You are getting way into character " says David. "How are we going to do t