
1:49 Roar by Bowie
You roar with anger as you missed the herd, you are hungry, the food source is getting scarce and the hyenas and jackals are laughing at you.


1:57 Water by catprog
You realise you are becoming a myth creature of the water, but which one?

1:47 Air by catprog
You realise you are becoming a myth creature of the air, but which one?

1:46 transmogrifying by Cat
You try again, this time it seems to work out well.


You are now an alligator.

1:45 Learning by Cat
You try your new skill and you notice your hands are becoming paws. You begin to see faint stripes, but you notice your feet have become claws. You are becoming a disfigured creature.


Maybe you should try it again?

1:44 The ground collapses by catprog
All of a sudden the ground collapses and you fall.


You get knocked out. When you awake you find that you are in a land when there is every type of myth creature.


You then notice that you are transforming but to what?

1:36 You go blind by Me
The blue light hits your eyes and it stings for a while. You open your eyes, at first you see blurs than shapes than your world tuns to complete darkness.

1:42 You flap your wings by Me
You flap your wings and attempt to fly. You lift off and before you know it you're 10 meters above the tree.

1:43 you brake through by Me
You try and breathe fire to make a tunnel but it doesn't quite get you there.


So you use your ice breath to freeze the rock. You slam your tail against it and it shatters. You then move outside into the sun.

1:40 Walk towards the hill by Katie
You walk towards a hill to get a better view of the island. When you get to the top you see?

1:41 lsdfkj by Katie
He speaks a different language.


You try hard to improvise with sign language and the native realizes what you are saying.


He climbs the next tree and gives you 7 coconuts. You thank him.


Then he pulls you towards the bush.


You then...


1:39 Friends by Cat
You notice some dolphins. You swim over and they all greet you nicely. Now you have some new friends.

1:38 Crocodilian by Cat
You scream as you realise what you have become. A large fearsome looking crocodile and you...

1:34 You start to grow feathers by catprog
You start to grow feathers.


Although you can't tell what colour they are yet, they are spreading fast.

1:35 Jungle by catprog
You notice that you are no longer under the tree. Instead it looks like you are in a jungle.




1:28 Changing by Cat
You notice that you're changing again.


You start to get some of your human features back. You feel your waist reshape and you find that you can stand up. You then feel your throat change and you can talk again, among other things.


Now you're a hybrid of human and

1:27 Coconut Tree by Katie
You shake the tree but no coconuts fall down.


You then see, further down the beach, a native person climbing a tree and throwing coconuts down. You try to climb the tree but get no where. You decide to ask the native man for help.


The native man says...

1:26 Return to the beach by Katie
You decide to turn around and return to the beach.


You return to normal and start walking up the beach towards some trees.



1:25 Swimming by Cat
You look around. You're in a whole new world.


The waves flow gently and you feel like you're flying.


You swim gracefully around.


1:33 Transformed by Cat
You look down at your hands, but they are paws, you try and scream in terror but it comes out as a squeak.


You realise you're now a rat.