
1:203 cute little kitty by phjett
You face starts to feel a little odd. You ignore it and keep watching the show.


Soon, however you cannot ignore the feeling of your face. You lift your hand up to touch it, and are shocked to feel a little kitty nose where your human nose once was. As if on cue, your hand starts changi

1:198 Male whale by phjett
You realize that a male whale is swimming up to you. As it comes by it slowly rubs against you and whistles a little. Your new whale senses tell you he is attracted to you... then your manhood get sucked into your body making you female. Suddenly, you feel very attracted to this other whale...

1:199 Female whale by phjett
The female whale comes up to you and rubs against you, whistling as well. You can tell that she wants you to follow her... but to where?

1:200 Stinky by phjett
You see a tail forming...quickly it becomes apparent that it belongs to a skunk...

1:201 Female whale by
You realize that a female whale is swimming up to you. As it comes by it slowly rubs against you and whistles a little. Your new whale senses tell you she is attracted to you... then you become male. Suddenly, you feel very attracted to this other whale...

1:202 Male whale by
The male whale comes up to you and rubs against you, whistling as well. You can tell that he wants you to follow him... but to where?

1:196 That not all... by
As you stand there on all fours, trying to get a grip on what just happened, another wave of changes sweeps over you. The nipples that disappeared only moments ago grow right back, along with two other pairs further down on your belly. You also feel a strange pulling sensation in your groin.


1:197 That not all... by
As you stand there on all fours, trying to get a grip on what just happened, another wave of changes sweeps over you. The slight remnants of your breasts flatten out and disappear altogether, and you feel an expanding sensation in your groin.


There is a mirror nearby, lying flat on the

3:22 Turning into a Fox... by nothingsp
As the changes start, you look down at your feet. You toenails have become claws and your feet have begun to reshape into paws. As pads form on the soles of your feet, a wave of reddish-brown fur starts to appear, and slowly crawls up your legs. As the fur grows, it seems to absorb your clothing.

3:23 A few more changes... by nothingsp
As you stand there on all fours, trying to get a grip on what just happened, another wave of changes sweeps over you. The slight remnants of your breasts flatten out and disappear altogether, and you feel an expanding sensation in your groin.


There is a mirror nearby, lying flat on the f

3:24 A few more changes... by nothingsp
As you stand there on all fours, trying to get a grip on what just happened, another wave of changes sweeps over you. The nipples that disappeared only moments ago grow right back, along with two other pairs further down on your belly. You also feel a strange pulling sensation in your groin.


3:25 A new friend... by nothingsp
You smell something new and yet strangely familiar. You turn to see what you least expected - a gorgeous vixen. She is about your age, and although she is most certainly female, she has the smell of a male fox on her, which smells just like her!


Might it be that she was once male just as

3:26 A new friend... by nothingsp
You smell something new and yet strangely familiar.


You turn to see what you least expected - a handsome fox. He is about your age, and although he is most certainly male, he has the smell of a female fox on him, which smells just like him!


Might it be that he was once female

2:37 Become A Cat by nothingsp
You pick the cat costume and slip it on. The costume cloth sinks into your skin and merges with it, and you are half-cat and half-human. <spanFullTF> Meaning that you are a human-sized, biped cat of approximately humanoid proportions, covered in light calico fur. As the fur ripples over your

2:38 A few more changes... by nothingsp
After a moment, another wave of change sweeps over you. This time, however, it's not physical, but mental. You feel a slight wave of nausea as many aspects of your personality change. When it's done, you are thinking like a cat-girl.


From the female aspect, you find guys attra

2:35 Lugia by
You put on the costume. Suddenly you feel a itching sensation and try to take off the costume but it is stuck.


As you watch, the familiar white and blue feathers start to appear all over your body. You hear a rip as your new tail pops through your shorts and grows spikes like those of t

2:36 Tiger by
You pick the tiger costume ,strip and slip it on.


The first thing to happen is the costume merges with your skin.


You feel your spine stretch into the tail and try moving it around.


You feel your toes and fingers gain claws.


You get a slight wave of d

1:193 The hunt by Severok
With your new senses you can see through the night as if it were day. You feel an overpowering instinct to hunt, as you need to satisfy the hunger you now feel.


Following the smell of blood, you come to a small clearing with the blood trail from a wounded animal leading into a nearby for

1:194 Following the trail by Severok
Driven by your hunger, you follow the trail of blood into the woods to find the wounded animal that left it. You come to another small clearing and in the moonlight, you see the animal that left the trail, or at least what is left of it.


You hear movement in the nearby bushes followed by

1:195 Hunt the children by Severok
Deciding that fresh pray would satisfy your thirst for the hunt and the hunger that now consumes you, you follow your acute hearing and climb a hill overlooking a small village. You see a bunch of children playing outside.


Before the instinct to hunt can force you to attack. The moon goe