
1:222 Journeying outdoors by LorikFurdin
((TF's Girl to female snow leopard cub :D Cmon guys LOL ^^ email me!))


Realizing its inevitable, you instruct your friend to wait for you and you hesitantly venture out the back door, wondering if maybe other people are changing or if the amulet just affected you and your friend be

1:220 Contagious? by LorikFurdin
((TF's in this episode: Male Human to Male Liontaur))


Ignoring the bits of hunger gnawing at the back of your mind you nervously pick up the phone and dial one of your close friends. After a somewhat frustrating argument you finally give up trying to convince him of who you are so

1:219 The next morning... by LorikFurdin
(Part 2:


No Tfs this time. Also please feel free to email requests for things to happen in the story! I don't plan far ahead so ideas can be used as early as the next day. Please feel free to make requests. It makes this a bit more of a challenge and a lot more fun for me :) LorikFu

1:218 The Lion Fang by LorikFurdin
((Hello everyone, I am Lorik and this is my first time to post on an interactive storyline. I do have a fairly lengthy story piece planned out to post to this thread, one a day until its done, but do feel free to branch out on it wherever you like. I am not sure how many branches are allowed to a s

1:215 Pouched? by
You look down and notice a pouch. You think nothing of it until you remember that only female kangaroos have pouches.

1:214 you are pouching! by silver
You feel a pulling sensation along the base of your spine...quickly followed by a rip of your pants. You look to see a fuzzy tail slowly growing from you. Hey wait you wonder, why are the trees getting bigger? to your surprise, you realise that you are getting smaller...regressing to the age of a t

1:213 You are standing in a lush green pasture. by Equine
As soon as you get over the fence, you begin to feel a bit nauseous. You walk a bit until a gut-wrenching pain causes you to fall over. Your whole body begins itching as dark brown fur sprouts from your skin. Your rear end begins to swell causing your jeans to become tight.


Your shoes b

2:46 Unicorn by
As you approach a costume you start to change.


<spanFullTF>You grow breasts and your groin changes </spanFullTF> . You realise you are now female. As you look at the costume all the other costumes disappear.


Looking closer you realise it is a unicorn


2:47 Lugia by
As you approach a costume you start to change. You grow breasts and your groin changes . You realise you are now female. You look at the costume, as you do so all the other costumes disappear. Looking closer you realise it is a lugia


You approach a costume, as you do so all the other c

1:208 The ground collapses #2 by catprog
All of a sudden the ground collapses and you fall.


You get knocked out. When you awake you find that you are in a room that contains lots of costumes.


Are you going to put on a costume or what?

1:209 Dragon Hang on wait......<span class="female">Dragoness</span> by
You grab a Dragon costume and put it on.


Suddenly you realise it was on the female side and you try to take it off but its too late. You have started to transform.


The first thing to happen is your torso bonds to the scales and you can suddenly feel your wings. With a sense

1:211 Dragoness. Hang on wait......<span class="male">Dragon</span> by
You grab a Dragon costume and put it on.


The changes start almost immediately as a mirror appears for you to watch the transformation.


The first thing to happen is your torso bonds to the scales and you can suddenly feel your wings. With a sense of amazement you try them ou

2:44 Pegasus by
You see a section for your legs to go into and you put them there. You watch your legs slowly change into horse legs.


You watch as your chest changes and become flat.


Suddenly the floor drops out and sends you falling. As you fall you see what you have become a male pegasus

2:45 Mermaid by
You see a collection of items. As you walk towards them every other costume disappears.


A tablet. A wig of blonde hair A padded seashell bra And a fish tail


Suddenly you here a large crack and look up to see water creeping in.


You swallow the tablet and try and s

1:207 Which way to the maze? by
You see a group of tall, hairy bipedal creatures approximately 25 meters and start to walk towards them. You get closer and see through the lightening gloom that they are a group of minotaur creatures both male and female. They beckon to you and as you reach them you start to feel sweaty and itchy a

2:43 veemon by phjett
You see a costume that is blue. Your curiosity as to what could be blue gets the best of you, and you try it on. You feel a sensation throughout your body, as you finish putting on the costume, and suddenly the costume disappears. You look into a nearby mirror only to find that your skin is blue, an

2:41 shocking! by phjett
You see a mainly yellow costume and you decide trying it on. As you put it on at first if feels just like a costume. However soon an immense itching starts underneath and you take off the costume as quick as possible.


Your body starts growing yellow fur all over and you feel your ears g

2:42 purrrrrrfect by phjett
You see a white costume that looks strangely like gatomon, so you decide to put it on.


You feel a strange sensation as the costume starts melting into your body. Suddenly white fur starts growing everywhere, and you grow a cute kitty nose, and your ears go to the top of your head. You f

1:203 cute little kitty by phjett
You face starts to feel a little odd. You ignore it and keep watching the show.


Soon, however you cannot ignore the feeling of your face. You lift your hand up to touch it, and are shocked to feel a little kitty nose where your human nose once was. As if on cue, your hand starts changi

1:198 Male whale by phjett
You realize that a male whale is swimming up to you. As it comes by it slowly rubs against you and whistles a little. Your new whale senses tell you he is attracted to you... then your manhood get sucked into your body making you female. Suddenly, you feel very attracted to this other whale...