
2:60 Patamon by
You find a patamon costume and put it on.


The costume cloth merges with your clothes, and you are a humanoid patamon. The fur then starts to grow through (white from just above your mouth and down your front with yellow everywhere else ), and soon except for your fur you are naked.


2:61 Begin the adventure by
You find a digi-vice and a digi-egg.


You then find a door and go through. You find yourself in the digital world.


You then try and use the egg...

2:62 Hawkmon by
You find a Hawkmon costume and put it on.


You feel the changes going on inside the costume with your beak coming out over your nose and mouth.The feathers then starts to grow through, and soon except for your feathers you are naked.


You are a humonoid hawkmon.


2:63 Begin the adventure by
You find a digi-vice and a digi-egg.


You then find a door and go through. You find yourself in the digital world.


You then try and use the egg...

2:64 Butterflymon by
As you look at the egg you realise that it is the digi-egg of knowledge.


You realise you are now a female humonoid butterflymon.

2:65 Kangaroomon by
As you look at the egg you realise that it is the digi egg of kindness.


You realise you are now a male humonoid kangaroomon.

2:66 Baromon by
As you look at the egg you realise that it is the digi egg of courage. You feel your body changing.


You feel the robe and boots appearing on you.


Your face reshapes and soon you are a female baromon. You are a female baromon.

2:67 Moosemon by
As you look at the egg you realise that it is the digi egg of hope. You feel your body changing.


You face stretches out and antlers poke out. Your neck fur grows out.


Your feet reshaping into hooves.


Your face reshapes and soon you are a humanoid male moosemon.

2:58 Begin the adventure by
You find a digi-vice and a digi-egg.


You then find a door and go through. You find yourself in the digital world.


You then try and use the egg...

2:59 Begin the adventure by
You find a digi-vice and a digi-egg.


You then find a door and go through. You find yourself in the digital world.


You then try and use the egg...

1:242 Now its my turn! by Razortail
You round three corners and find yourself back where you started. You walk past the room where you were transformed. Looking in you notice that the chair you were in has been turned to face the back wall. quite like a spider you approach your prey. with claws razed high and a cursing smile on your f

2:56 Eevee by


You pick the eevee costume and slip it on<spanSumTF>, and you are a humanoid eevee of approximately humanoid proportions, covered in the fur of an eevee. </spanFullTF> . The costume sinks into your skin and merges with it.


As the change ripples over your clothin

2:57 Mermaids Ahoy! by LorikFurdin
You grumble slightly as you slip the mermaid costume on, wondering how you got yourself into this mess. Much to your surprise you feel the rubbery tail fuse to your hips and begins to tighten.


You shudder and try to pull it off.


But the rubbery gray tail gets tighter and ti

1:238 Whats this? by Razortail
" what the heck?" you say under your breath starring at your arm. The fur has gotten thick enough to take on a color and by the look of it its dark brown. The thick coat quickly consumes your arm, and begins to spread across the rest of your body as well. Soon other changes begin to take

1:239 snow fox by Razortail
You claw at the fur afraid of whats happening to you. Not wanting to believe that this is real you go running into the nearby store to find someone to tell you your dreaming. You get inside and find only an old blind man behind the counter. you rush up to him trying to think of something to ask him

1:240 surounded by Razortail
As you run, you feel like you have supernatural strength coursing through your veins. After about half an hour of sprinting on the gravel road, you come to barricade in the road that says: "bridge out ahead". You stop eying it, suspiciously.


Funny, you don't smell water ne

2:54 Dragoness by catprog


You grab a Dragoness costume.


All of a sudden every other costume disappears.


As there is nothing else to do you put on the costume that you grabbed.


The changes start almost immediately as a mirror appears for you to watch the transformation.


2:55 marios trusty steeds lover... by
You see a spotted egg and without thinking you touch it...and instantly have the urge to swallow it. That is no small task, considering its bigger than your head. You instinctively shove it into your mouth, and miraculously it goes down without the slightest problem.


You then feel chan

1:237 Maybe smaller is better by Razortail
You realize that maybe being a giant dragon out in the open daylight is not a great idea. "Hmmm" you think out loud to yourself. There has to be a better way of going about this. Maybe if you have all the powers of a dragon you could shrink down, and thereby possibly get to someone?s house

4:3 Life as a Hero (almost) by Razortail
You find yourself in a pub. No particular description at all but it has all the features of a standard pub. Dancing girls, old angry Scottish bartender and a shadowy figure in the corner. Yep and here you are just standing there in street clothes. Or at least thats what you thought you were in. You