
1:67 you look up and see another unicorn by Katie
You speak to the unicorn but instead of hearing your voice you hear a soft neighing. The unicorn speaks back saying...

1:66 Loch Ness (Hybrid) by catprog
That you have gained about half of you human features back.



1:65 Loch Ness by Katie
You become the Loch Ness monster.


The water feels cool and fresh against your scaly skin.


After swimming around for a while, you hear a strange sound and start swimming towards it. All of a sudden you see...


1:63 God Of Water by catprog
<spanFullTF>As you watch you start to turn back into a dolphin. As the transformation approaches halfway it suddenly stops.


Then a rush of new knowledge comes into your brain.


You can now understand every language of the water and most of the ones that are spoken nearb

1:64 Goddess Of Water by catprog
As you watch you start to turn back into a dolphin. As the transformation approaches halfway it suddenly stops.


Then a rush of new knowledge comes into your brain. You can now understand every language of the water and most of the ones that are spoken nearby.


You realise th

1:62 You sit on the throne by catprog
You sit on the throne.


You then see that you are transforming. But to what?

1:60 It suddenly goes dark by Katie
The world around you suddenly goes dark.


You look around. You then look up and see a beautiful whale swimming over you.


You swim alongside the whales.


You then...

1:61 A temple by catprog
You see a clearing with a temple in it.


The man leads you up the stairs and inside.


Inside there is a pool of water and a throne.


The man points to the throne indicating for you to sit down. Do you do as he says?

1:58 Unicorn (HYBRID) by Bro
The changes begin.


When there finished you notice that you're half-unicorn and half-human. Meaning that your are a human-sized biped unicorn of approximately humanoid proportions.


While the fur has replaced your clothing your face seems to be the same. Well apart from t

1:59 Winged by Bro
Suddenly to your surprise and with a sharp pain a pair of wings form.

1:149 Unicorn (HYBRID) by Bro
The changes begin.


When there finished you notice that you're half-unicorn and half-human. Meaning that your are a human-sized biped unicorn of approximately humanoid proportions.


While the fur has replaced your clothing your face seems to be the same. Well apart from t

1:37 And you are pulled into a new dimension by Katie
You are pulled into a new dimension.


You start screaming but you physically can't scream. You then...

1:56 Stalking by Cat
You pick up the scent of blood in the air.


You move along and stalk just in case the wounded animal is dangerous.


You get to the smell and find a dead rhinoceros. You will feed tonight.

1:55 Swim towards the Sunset by Katie
You start swimming towards the sunset.


You jump into the air a couple of times, much to the delight of the native people.


They call you back towards the shore.



1:54 a village by Katie
You look around and see little children in grass skirts running around playing tag.


Suddenly, a big huge eagle swoops down and picks you up and takes you away.


You scream and scream but no one hears you.


Up ahead you see a clearing and another village.


1:51 Go with the man by Katie
You go with the man.


He leads you further and further into the jungle.


You start to get worried that he's leading you somewhere bad. You then see...

1:52 Pull away saying no by Katie
You pull away saying no. You have no idea where the stranger would take you.


You grab your coconuts and run. All of a sudden....

1:53 And fall into the water again by catprog
You fall into the water again, your skin goes all rubbery and smooth.


You realise you're turning back into a dolphin. You then notice the native man worshipping you.

1:50 Dragon(HYBRID) by catprog
As you watch, scales start to grow all over your body, with a sharp pain you grow wings, you feel your tongue fork as two horns appear on your head.


You look in a nearby puddle of water and realise that you're half-dragon and half-human.


Suddenly the changes stop. You l

1:48 Land by catprog
You realise you are becoming a myth creature of the land, but which one?