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With the unseen danger emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You directly start with the orcs. You learn about the war
“I’m here to help with some unseen danger out here. I’m here because it is my duty to come and help other people of my kind. Things are going to go very wrong very quickly. There’s something here you don’t yet know about.” You started. The mysterious tribe of seals were watching you, almost suspiciously.
“What do you mean? Things have been peaceful here for quite some time. At least we believe so.” One of the members of the pack mentioned to you.
“I mean. Well we’re at peace yeah but… Some strange things were starting to happen actually.” You heard the sentiment cause rumbles through the crowd. It seemed as though half of the pack was in agreement and half seemed to disagree. It was a bit polarizing but in the end it turned out that people were siding with you more solely because you were different from them, stranger than them- obviously some kind of oddity or higher being from having been built differently than the rest of them.
You were still unsure about whether or not you were going in the right path with them though. Maybe you needed to do or say something else in particular to convince them.

Written by Drifting Dragon on 19 December 2023

Other Seals

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