Look harder by Driftingdragon
   Go left by Driftingdragon
   Go right by Driftingdragon
      Keep crawling by Driftingdragon
      Wait by Driftingdragon
         Up by Driftingdragon
            Stand around by Driftingdragon
            Facility by Driftingdragon
               Front door by Driftingdragon
                  Attack guard by Driftingdragon
                     Kick by Driftingdragon
                  Talk to the guard. by Driftingdragon
                     Get closer by Driftingdragon
                     double cross him by Driftingdragon
               Ceiling by Driftingdragon
                  Wait for a moment by Driftingdragon
                  Cut that window by Driftingdragon
            Jungle by Driftingdragon
         Swing by Driftingdragon
      FULL SPEED AHEAD by Driftingdragon
   Go straight by Driftingdragon
   Leave it alone by Driftingdragon