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Stand around emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Nope, you really couldn’t beat what your family said to you about being lost. That along with other vaguely recalled sayings from your childhood. Clearly it was right, since you learned it a long time ago.
Anyway, you decided to begin relaxing and calming your mind in order to increase your likelihood of survival in a potentially hostile environment. You know someone could have been looking for you, so if you just sat there, someone would definitely appear after a while.
You crossed your legs, closed your eyes, and took a deep breath, focused in on the wind blowing around you, and listening to the rustling foliage behind you. Wait a minute, that actually sounds like something behind you.
In a quick flash, the last thing you saw was a dripping wet maw of a snake just moments after you comprehended what was going on. The smooth stalking sounds of the reptile’s smooth tubular belly gliding around the ground seemed just as natural as any other sound around you, but it all happened so fast.
Your arms were pinned to your sides, and every breath you took just helped your captor to constrict you even tighter. Soon the world around you was going black, you felt the smooth sliding of the snake’s throat muscles pulling you farther into his belly, first it was your face, then it was your entire body. The last thought to cross your mind was that it didn’t really even hurt that much, your body had already gone numb, and it felt like your limbs were being massaged gently as the creature gulped the last of your body down.

Written by Driftingdragon on 21 December 2020

The end (for now)

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