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Believe Me emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel was a girl. Daniel was a cat girl. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god...” Daniel repeated this mantra to himself under his breath, holding his head lest it explode with the enlightenment of this revelation. His voice was too hoarse to keep screaming and now a quivering web of silence had been spun in the air around the young man and his two bewildered friends. Pammy was still clinging to David and they were still giving each other disconcerted glances but neither had made a move to leave. A small squeak escaped Pammy’s lips when Daniel finally lowered his hands and stared directly at them. He raised her voice. “’s me.”


David opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by Pam. “It’s me? Listen, we don’t know who the hell you are,” she stated fiercely, her eyebrows furrowed. Her voice dropped to a lower pitch as she added, “And it might be better for both of us to keep it that way.”


“No, no...please,” Daniel begged. He stepped towards them shakily, trying to be more delicate on his—her slim feet.
“Stay away from us!” Pammy lifted her flashlight in brave warning but looked a mouse caught in a trap. The bright beam temporarily frazzled Daniel’s vision and he suddenly realized he had been seeing perfectly fine in the pitch black evening. He couldn’t help scoffing to himself. He supposed the situation wasn’t all bad. His head snapped up in surprise when David actually spoke.


“Wait, Pam, just wait a minute. It doesn’t seem like she’s looking for a fight, okay? You aren’t, are you?” David looked into Daniel’s feminine, feline eyes desperately and she nodded back at him. “See? Just hear her out for a second okay?”


Pam reluctantly lowered her arm, leaving herself unguarded. “Fine,” she murmured. Daniel gave David a thankful smile and mouthed “thank you” before properly speaking.


“It’s Daniel.”


Pammy’s flashlight flew to the ground as she guffawed in disbelief. “What??” David cried, equal astonishment scribbled over his face. Daniel held her hands up to stop them.


“I know, I’s crazy. Trust me I wouldn’t believe it myself if it weren’t...” she paused and looked briefly down at her chest once more. “Myself.”


“No way...” Pammy shook her head. “There’s no way. How do you expect us to believe you?”


“I don’t know. I don’t expect you to really...” Daniel trailed off. A few seconds later she snapped her fingers, it only created an underwhelming thud thanks to the plush fur covering them but her eyes were still lit up. “I bet I can tell you something only I would know.”


Written by Flutterbest on 31 December 2017

Both Convince them

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