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Explaining emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel’s friends watched her warily.


“Like what...?” Pammy asked, her tone blanketed in suspicion. A lopsided grin appeared on Daniel’s face.


“Pam, do you remember in the fifth grade when you got your hair stuck in th-” Daniel was cut off by Pam quickly.


“Alright, alright, we believe you! Now wipe that look off your face before I do it for you,” she huffed. Blush crept up her face at a questioning glance from David. “It’s him. That’s all you need to know.”


“So how did you end up like...this?” David asked quietly. He inched closer to Daniel and hesitantly reached for her ears, pinching them lightly as if to punctuate his question. Daniel pushed him away, feeling heat on her cheeks. She wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment, anger, or both.


“Don’t do that! Sheesh...” she muttered. She crossed her arms tightly and with a slight pout left on her face tried to think of an answer. “I’m not quite sure honestly. A lot happened.”


“Well, nobody has plans after this do they?” Pammy looked around for any daring sign of disagreement. When she was satisfied she took a deep breath and added. “Good. We’re ready to listen to a lot.”




Pammy was tapping a finger thoughtfully to her lips as Daniel’s long, chaotic story drew to a close.


“Well that was...something,” David said. Daniel chuckled lightly and nodded.


Pammy’s eyes narrowed. “Wait a second. Daniel give me your hand,” she ordered. Daniel raised her eyebrows in confusion but obliged the strange request. Pammy inspected the hand closely before dropping it and stating, “Your cut is gone.”


“You’re right! Man I guess that’s one good thing that came from this, huh?” Daniel joked, growing tired of the dreary and serious mood. Pammy stared her. “What?”


“What do you think could’ve done that?” Pam questioned but from her face Daniel could tell she already had an answer in mind. Memories of the weird plant came rushing forward.


“Those plants?” Daniel whispered.


“Ding, ding, ding!” Pam clapped her hands slowly for a little while, letting her sarcastic appreciation sink in. “And who knows what else they might’ve been capable of? I mean...cattails? Really? Could you get more obvious?”


Daniel groaned. Of course! It felt so obvious it hurt.


“I say we go back and poke around that bunker you found. Maybe there’ll be answers there,” Pammy suggested. Daniel hated to admit it but she was right. It might be the only clue they had.


“But what about Gassan and Jake? Considering what happened to Daniel, don’t you think there’s a chance...” David let the thought slip into silence. They all understood what he meant. Daniel sighed. David had a point too.


“So...what should we do?” Pammy asked. Why was it always Daniel who had to decide?


Written by Flutterbest on 02 January 2018

Both Back to the bunker

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