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Follow The Leader emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel marched onwards determinedly across the dreary expanse as she had before but this time with her partners in tow. The way they were trailing behind reminded her of the game follow the leader. It had been the “it” game of their elementary years. Daniel had never especially liked being the leader. You had to make all the decisions and there was always the feeling of someone creeping up behind you. She was strangely comfortable in the position now however. She wasn’t sure why.


She felt a tap on her shoulder. Jake was leaning close but looking and pointing past her. She followed his finger to one of the bulking machines she’d seen before.


“Hey you think those things still work?” he whispered.


“I doubt it. Maybe once this Imhotep thing’s done we can go see.” Daniel wiggled her eyebrows jokingly.


“I say we take five of them and put them together to make one giant robot,” Jake laughed.


“Are you guys talking about that old show?” David asked from behind them. Soon the entire gang was talking like they would have any other day. In this manner they ended up strolling leisurely to the bunker. They were still snickering when Daniel took the first step down the stairs.


Written by Flutterbest on 12 June 2018

The end (for now)

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