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Daniel nodded and haltingly turned back to the fence she had been staring at minutes earlier. She slid down the small hill to the opening. She reached to put her hand on the edges again before stopping, noticing the now dried blood on a few of the prongs. Right, she thought drawing her hand back. She looked to see if the others were following her and saw all four of her friends lined up in a row behind her.


Jake gave her a supportive thumbs up. David shrugged and followed suit. Daniel laughed, shaking her head at them. Feeling slightly more confident she turned to the hole in the fence again. She didn’t give herself more time to hesitate and ducked through, being careful of the sharp bits this time.


She did a quick scan of the horizon. There was nothing least nothing suspicious and visible. She waved to her companions.


“We’re good! Let’s head out.”


Written by Flutterbest on 01 June 2018

To the bunker

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