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"What happened?" You ask.
"Well, Daniel," you shudder as he sarcastically states your name, "I always wanted this. I didn't know you fantasized about this." The woman formerly known as Jake sits herself down and motions for you to do likewise. She continues when she sees you get comfortable. "The two fox in the video being shown were us. I was female before and you were always the protective male fighting the good fight." She taps her head, "I got my memories from before back when I watched the videos and listened to those people talking to us." She points to you and states, "You, obviously, didn't."


"What are you talking about?"


"Gassan, David, Pam, me, you - we were friends before but we were here to interact with humans without the prejudice of our people. Instead of remaining friends, we developed the social skills of humans and started to drift apart." You watch as Jake looks to the sky. "We were each changed. I became male because otherwise you three guys wouldn't be able to resist both Pam and myself without drawing attention." She chuckles, "You could have had me to yourself, like before. Now I guess we three have to share David and Gassan. There's no more of us otherwise."


She looks at you with a sadness that comes with fond remebrance. She the asks, "Do you recall anything from before?"

Written by minerva on 05 December 2008

The end (for now)

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