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Before more harm is done star star star halfstar emptystar

You hesitate a moment before resigning yourself to hitting 'COMPLETE'.


You close your eyes expecting to feel pain. Instead, there's a stronger, but not unpleasant, fragrance of flowers and fresh cut grass. You feel awkward and try to open your eyes. You never feel yourself hit the hard floor.


You wake up with the sensation of really having to use a toilet. You find it odd considering all that you've been through. You roll yourself over to get up and feel an increased weight on your chest. You look down and see two firm and very visible breasts attached to your body. You tail causes a brief elation as it limply sweeps your very exposed, sensitive, and extremely alluring, vertical smile. You unconsciously raise you tail as it sweeps the back of your leg.


You find you can smell and see much, much better than before. Your high ears works almost like radar as they pick up footfalls from behind you. Feral instincts cause you to turn menacingly towards the attractive vixen staring at you. She is colored differently, but holds a posture you would recognize anywhere. Yoor new voice takes you by surprise before you offer up, "Jake?"


The attractive woman smiles at you and says, "Hey, girlfriend."


You find yourself feeling uncomfortable suddenly. You don't know if it's you being in shock from your changes, a curious attraction to Jake's new female body, or a response to both of your very sultry sounding voices.


Jake looks back at you as she states, "You didn't turn out so bad yourself."

Written by minerva on 05 December 2008

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