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"What about your husband? Where is he now?" emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"What about your husband? Where is he now?"


The tiger's body filled with tension. "He's no longer here."


"Then, where is he?"


"I don't know. He was obsessed with escaping this jungle. Take a look." The tiger nodded behind you.


You turned and noticed the inscriptions layering the cave wall, stretching across the entire rock face. There were messages written in a frenzied fashion. Some of them listed options, but most of them were scratched out, presumably because they didn't work. The other half of the wall was consumed with etchings of stick figures and landmarks. "Is that a map of the jungle?" 




"So, we're at the waterfall." The waterfall was one of the more prominent features of the primitive map. Home base was here. You tried to imagine the cave occupying two tigers, two tigers deeply connected to one another. If the tiger's husband was no longer here, than something must have happened to him. 


"And did he escape?"


"I don't know."


"What do you mean?"


"I don't know. One day, he was here, and then, he wasn't. He left and never looked back."


You released a sigh and crossed over to the tiger, sitting down beside him. "He must have left somehow. What if he's back to normal? You're here, and he's back home. Don't you want to get back?"




"Then, you must know how he did it." If he did escape this world, that is. Something else might have happened. You remembered seeing villages on that map, and the villages must be filled with hunters. You didn't want to think about it. Biting your lip, you tilted your head up and tried making eye contact with the tiger. The male must have a solution to this.


"It was a last resort. I never thought that it could work. It was too dangerous."

Written by falconess22 on 29 March 2016

"It doesn't matter how dangerous it is. I'm willing to do anything to become normal again."

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