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Magical Cat emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Some plants glow along your path and, with loud shrieks, several creatures fight further up the trail. You take cover and hold your breath whilst observing. Two large birdlike creatures caw loudly at a larger cat. The cat swirls a ball of blue colored light amongst it's five tails. You're awestruck at the sight. The birds scatter as the light explodes near them. Taking off after them, the cat takes one down with a pounce. You look on as it feasts, it's job done well.
Nothing can explain the light or explosions. It seems magical. Perhaps it is you think to yourself. Sneaking around the majestic animal you make your way further along the path. A few of the glowing plants seem to excrete dust at your passing. The foul smelling odor fills your nose and your balance leans quickly. The ground seems uneasy and the path begins growing darker. The only light seems to come from ahead, a wicked yellow light among the black. A beacon among the dark. A guide in the confusion. You walk toward but it wanes out in front of you, just beyond reach. You now run after it, desperate to catch it. Your mind is a fuzz and goes black in a single sickening crack. You've hit your maw on something hard and as you're tossed to the forest floor, the shadows and light of the forest fade into phantoms. You lay unconscious for the rest of the night and some of the morning.


Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 21 November 2013

They Attack

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