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To his home star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>The male leads you to a good-sized building which has its own electrical line—no surprise, given that he 'invented' electricity for this world. Apart from the wire, its exterior looks much like any other building in the area; maybe the roof is higher, but that's the most evident difference you can see. There is a human guard at the door—and more elsewhere, for all you know. Not that you care; the male's scent has been affecting you all along, and you suspect that your own scent is doing likewise to him... <br/> <br/>He opens the doors for you "After you ma'am" <br/> <br/>You enter. The interior is more spacious than a human's home would be; that's about as far as your observations go, as you find it difficult to pay attention to anything other than the male. Your tail is jerking from side to side—and suddenly there's a weight on your back. He's on you, and instincts and emotions boil in your mind, and you both do what comes naturally... <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 11 November 2010

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