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Put the necklace on. star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>You put the necklace on. <br/> <br/>Your body flows into a different form. Brown fur is replaced by tawny; your elegant tail grows longer and slimmer; your limbs shift from human-like anatomy to lion... and when the process is complete, you are, as you once were, a 'normal' sphinx. "There," you say. <br/> <br/>He smiles "Yep that is much better. No arms though?" <br/> <br/>"It's the necklace," you explain. "Could you put everything back in my pack, please?" <br/> <br/>He puts all your stuff into the pack, which he puts on you (it returns to its saddlebag state), then unlocks the cell and steps back out. "do you want to come too?" <br/> <br/>You, too, step out of the cell. "Of course!" you say, and his scent... excites you. Yes, he is definitely one lonely sphinxtaur! He nods and stalks away from the cell; you follow. No human stops him; they all recognise him, and are apparently not about to interfere with any business he may have. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 11 November 2010

Female To his home

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