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At the Tower. star star star emptystar emptystar

You go back up, put your hunting outfit on and are about to go outside when your instincts stop you. You go back to the closet and find some saddle bags. You chuckle "I might need these, if i get a lot of artifacts from the tower" optimistactly.


You take off hoping that your magic door only opens for you. There is no key or anything you have seen to stop others from entering. You run off the plateau and jump.


You catch a convenient thermal updraft, and from your new-found vantage point, compare what you see to the descriptions of terrain in the diary; then you set off in what you believe to be the correct direction. "What ever else has happened the flying make up for a big part of it you think" as you settle in to your flight.


As the sun sets you notice the large tower in front of you and beyond that you catch a glimpse of a clear blue ocean. You keep your eye on the ocean to try and get a better look and OOFF. You crash into an invisible barrier that seems to surround the tower.


You land and your tummy rumbles lets you know you need to go hunting again. Maybe you ought to have checked your 'house' to see if you had anything stored in a pantry or smoke-house... well, too late for that now.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 06 September 2010


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