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Vralylth summons a silver-colored draconic mage to take you to their labs. You follow the mage, dismissing any second-thoughts.


Inside, other magi are already brewing a potion. Finally, one of them ladles a precise quantity into a stone cup and hands it to you, saying, "Drink."


You drink the tasteless, odourless brew and savor the way it runs down your throat.


Immediately, you notice yourself growing slightly larger, and the inner fire within you burns impossibly hotter. Your wings grow larger and your chest muscles strengthen. Your figure becomes more draconic and your tail lengthens.


Suddenly, it stops, leaving no trace of your former human body. There is no turning back now.


Thus, your new life as a dragon begins.

Written by drakrrth on 14 December 2008

The end (for now)

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