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Just as the mage was starting to wake up, you hastily bring a fist down on his head, granting him a few more hours of sleep.


Slipping out the door, you make your way up the stairs, dodging patrols by hiding in the shadows. You eventually find the usurper's room: It has two guards posted in front of it.


You knock them out by smashing their helmets together and enter the room. There, the usurper himself lies in his bed to one side, with a window on the wall opposite. The whole room is carpeted, which gives you an idea.


You gently breathe a tongue of fire, setting fire to the carpet. Within seconds, the fire spreads to the whole room, incinerating everything inside. Hurriedly, you take off from the window.


As the guards panic, and sound the alarm, no one notices you fly away in the chaos.


By daybreak, you have reached the mountain cave where the dragons live. Pausing to watch a trail of smoke rise from the castle in the distance, you walk inside.


Vralylth is understandably happy, and congratulates you on your success.


He says, "Now that that leader is lost, they should not be as eager to attack us now, for they are cowards at heart. The outside world will now be open to us again, without fear."


"You have fulfilled your end of the bargain, and so shall I. My magi, who command more intricate and ancient knowledge of magic than those humans, inform me that they may have a solution to your predicament. They inform me that they are unable to make you more human, but the reverse can be accomplished. However, it will lock you from transforming any further, except between full and morph form."


"However, if you choose to continue to try and break your curse, we will be happy to assist you however we can."


"Of course, you are also welcome to stay here and join our clan. We will accept you readily as blood-brother."


So basically, you can either stay here or proceed with your journey. Both offers seem tempting, but which do you pick?

Written by drakrrth on 12 December 2008

Both Stay here

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