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My plan! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Of course.” You took a moment to breathe, and you collected yourself completely before formulating the reply; your silence seemed deafening to the enormous creature sitting across from you. “That’s what we’ll have you think.” The weight of your response seemed to shock the middle-aged reptile, his eyes opened wide, and you can see the microexpressions painting his face like a subtle pastel palette. His deep saturated green colors glistened in the fluorescent light, almost iridescent, yet somehow the thick scales were beautiful to you; a stark contrast to his eerie looming presence.
“Well then… It seems like you wouldn’t be the one carrying that out then…” You waited for him to continue. “I’m surprised you’ve finally decided to even show yourself today…” The glisten in his eye was amusing to you, as if he had you caught. The chair squeaked loudly as he pushed it back with his thighs, standing with his scaly hands placed flat on the hardwood table, “Was it desperation?” He inquired, gazing up at you from his hunched position.
‘It was a bit of a mix.” you say subtly, keeping your eyes to the ground as you made your way towards him along the side of the wall. Your eyes slowly scanned his table; a nameplate, ‘Staunt’ you observed. A small metallic trophy shone on the hardwood surface of his table, and then, your eyes fell to the hulking presumed ‘boss’ and you eyed his attire. A dark suit with a white button up underneath adorned his muscular shoulders. His neck dangeled a long red tie, much longer than seemed reasonable for his size, and his pants were pressed into a sharp crease running down along the fronts of his pant legs. “But it’s not like I didn’t have any backup plans.”
A glimmer in your eye shone as yours met his. And then, a loud siren began going off, you were almost startled out of your furs. Red lights flashed around the room, and the gators exchanged glances.
The boss-like character stood, wordless, and with wide opened eyes, his surprise seemed clear. For a moment, he looked over at you with eyes of pure hate, as if to curse you before his next moves.
“Lock the place down. We can’t let them get away.” He commanded his officer before snapping his neck sharply around to you. “And you…” he addressed you. “Find something to do with her, but make it a… ‘Rebel’s Punishment.’
You stood there in shock, his ominous voice replayed in your head and you were captured before you even noticed. Quickly, your body was knocked out, and the last thing you remember was being dragged away.
An unknown amount of time had passed, and your mind was weary, confused, and you were unsure how you had gotten here.
“Where is here” you thought to yourself as your eyes adjusted to the darkness swallowing you alive. A twinkle of light glistened against the metal bars around you, and the sounds of sparking electricity and muffled groans rang out from a nearby room.

Written by Driftingdragon on 21 January 2021

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