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wait a bit. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You took a moment to calm your nerves, thinking and planning about what you were going to do next.
“What was in that other room? Is that… Talking?” Your sensitive ears heard two or more voices muttering beyond the doors opposite to you. By this time, the distant footsteps had just become muffled padding overlaid with occasional booming echoes of heavy doors slamming.
“... didn’t work…”
“Again, I…” it sounded like the end of one voice’s sentence had bled into the beginning of the other voice’s following sentence.
“Well....GET…” The more you assumed the tone of the speakers, the more anxious you became. You could easily imply something was soon to go awry as the voices crescendoed. Moments later, you were jarred by the piercing sound of sirens as they began to blair out through the hallways. Even your thick fluffy paws couldn’t block out the full extent of the loud droning calls.
Once more, the door across from you swung open, yet for some reason, the sound of many more footsteps began to come within earshot.
“We got him boss.” The sound of this new voice was like rocks shaking in a bag, and the way he growled when using his R’s and S’s you could tell his species was some reptilian.
“Oh… Here we are, glad to see you here finally. I can see the backup plan worked out.” Another voice, more eloquent, rang out through the hallway. Was he even speaking before? “Check the space, regroup later for whatever other information you find.”
“Oh no.” you thought, just before the thin crack of light widened to expose your less than optimal hiding spot.
“Looks like we got another.” His slow draw made your spine tingle, the seven foot tall gator standing before you looked down at you for a moment before roughing you up, and dragging you into the room across from where you hid. “Found this one hiding.” he said to another, even larger gator behind a work desk. Rows of books lined the walls, and the detail placed around the room made your head spin as you took in the oddly-placed, yet devine sight.
“Hmm.” The booming voice shook your chest, even across the room as his vibrations hummed across the room. Piercing green eyes looked you over, and it was clear from his thoughtful expression that his mind was carefully calculating his next words. You tried calming yourself, but his voice shook you once more. “It’s time for you to explain yourself… Rebel.” He smirked and waited for your reply.

Written by Driftingdragon on 19 January 2021

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