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Left emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You entered the room on the left and quietly closed the door behind you, turning the doorknob as it passed the latch, before slowly and quietly rotating the knob into the wall. You find yourself in a broom closet; the acrid smell of chemicals stung your nose, and your ears pricked up to catch every tiny footstep ringing throughout the stairwell.
“You go this way!” you heard a gruff voice command. All you heard thereafter was the tight rubbery sound of boots on the floor as they hurried up the stairs. The heavy footsteps shook the floor as they struck the metal stairs and soon they sounded close enough to be right at the threshold of the hallway. You could hear other footsteps in the distance, continuing a heavy trudge up the stairs and through upper and lower hallways, but they were merely whispers compared to the heavy clop of boots standing right outside your door.
For a moment, you held your breath, covered your mouth, and tried your hardest to repress your shaking body. It felt like hours listening to them and wondering if they were listening to you as well, you almost didn’t even want to keep your eyes open to see what happens. So you shut them; once again you heard the rubbery squeaking of boots, and the sound of a door opening. Your heart dropped, and when your eyes opened, you were still in the dark. They choose the other door.
It was hard still for you to take a breath thereafter, you allowed yourself to shake, and your body fought hard to stay upright, the anxiety sucking the energy out of your exhausted body.
“Safe… For now.” you thought to yourself, in a soothing tone. “Stay focused. Okay. Now what?” you ask yourself.

Written by Driftingdragon on 17 January 2021

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