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Choke emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“Jump!” Something told you, in the heat of the moment, you launched yourself into the air at the random command. As if it were magic, your slender arms wrapped effortlessly around his neck, you locked your arms together where they bent, and you could feel the clogged airways of your adversary as he gasped for air.
You were almost winded when he fell backwards, onto your body as you clung to him, choking the life out of your first kill. He clawed at your wrists, drawing dark red smears of blood from the delicate flesh hidden beneath the parting fur on your forearms. The pain was bearable, and you continued to put pressure on both sides of his neck as his struggling body began to slowly struggle… less.
“There we go” You say as you make sure he is done. “Now for that crap.” You directed your attention back at the surveillance cameras. At first they were slowly blinking a neon green, but now they’re solid red. “That must mean something.” you optimistically giggled at yourself, trying to put the thought of what may be next far in the back of your head. Without another word, you began your trek into the mysterious building.

Written by Driftingdragon on 03 January 2021

Both Wait the cameras
Both Just go

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