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After realizing you’ve risen alone, you leap out of bed, considering the possible damage this one night stand could have left you in under the long term. You fully understand the repercussions of being caught under these circumstances. The anxiety begins to well up in your stomach, weighing heavy like a chilling block of ice, growing colder rather than melting in the warmth of your stomach.
It doesn’t take you long to notice a kind of crawling sensation on your body, running laterally up and down the checkered patterns of your dark brown scales. A simple black dot runs across the lighter brown-tan colors of your scales. The movement frightens you, leaping to your feet, you trudge around the room, looking for the contact information of the individual who had spent last right with you.
“Roxy was it?” You think to yourself as you search some of your soiled clothes, crawling with small black mites.
You enter the shower in hopes to wash them off in the shower before you return to the bar this evening. Standing in the shower alone you can’t help but to ponder your decisions to bed that woman last night, you haven’t even checked if he had stolen anything.
“An appropriate trade for these little pesky assholes..” you say to yourself, as you scratch the areas where the tightest clothing rest on your body. You continue to yourself, spatting in discomfort as you discuss with yourself how upset you are over this situation. You cope with this by playing out the scenario multiple times, minutely editing some of the logistic facts in your or her responses to prototype various different scenarios.
Your anger seethed so quietly to yourself, that you had even considered firing her then and there, right in front of everyone. The option of humiliating her just as much as she did for you sounds good. Though you’re not too sure how good that would look to the patrons.
During your self enlightement over the weekend, you ulimately decide to simply converse with her. You plan to simply confront her during the week, once you see her again during work, mainly because the time you had to figure out a plan had ran out. But from then on you had mentally prepared yourself to have this serious conversatoin with Roxy, come monday.

Written by Driftingdragon on 31 December 2019

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