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Dancer emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You’ve grown accustomed to this lifestyle well within the mere week that you’ve been here. The daily check-ins with your staff are a breeze to you, as you walk through the winding hallways of your establishment. Every day spent here you realize how grateful you are to have chanced yourself upon such an amazing costume. One that finally puts you in control; instead of working for people, others have to hear the final word from you now.
Today you’ve decided to mingle with a particular lady who had been catching your eye for the past week. She was one of your erotic dancers, another naga-type snake much like yourself. Her smooth scaley body a pale ghost white morph. Her skin appears as if it’s in shed, magnified in intensity by the beaming lights from above as the stage manager’s steady hand guides the lights directly over her floating slither.
The feathers of her extravagant boa sparkle brightly in the spotlight, adorned with glitter. You realize that you must have her. The pristine diamond-shaped scales glistened as her cylindrical body presses hard against the marble floor, propelling her reptilian body forward.
You approach the woman, feeling confident of the amount of return you’ve received thus far in your wallet. Your confident towering slither catches her eye as you reach the half-way point of the bar. To your perception, it seems to be slow motion, how a smile spreads across her lips almost perfectly in synch to the beating of your shoes upon the tile floor of your building. You know exactly what to say.
“You know… Your smile has been lighting up the room all night and I just had to come to say hello!” her eyes look you up and down, she shakes the ice from the bottom of her glass of whiskey. After a moment of forcing you to wait, looking you up and down slowly, she consumes the final swig of her drink, before vocalizing uncomfortably, and clearing her throat.
“Hey there dearie, Good seein ya round.” She says, not parting her eyes from the drink in her glass. You observer her thick synthetic eyelashes fluttering in your direction; almost captivating.
“It’s a nice day meeting anyone working in my bar who’s as beautiful as you.” You can tell your words have struck a chord with her, she looks in your direction finally. Her flashy green eyes almost give you an invitation to hang around with her. Instinctually, you begin buying drinks for the two of you, filling up on the alcohol, and wanting to be a bit irresponsible with your money.
That night you two find yourselves taking a Lift back to your place, drunk and loose with each other, you both stumble into your living room, clutching tightly to each others bodies. You know what this means. Your slithering bodies grasp at your clothes, throwing them to the ground haphazardly as to rush the stripping process.
Your smooth scales rub together, twisting and turning in one another’s bodies, the rough textured scales feeling nice, cool, and slippery against each other. You feel a pressure building near the pressure just below your tail, a thin slit of a scale presses firmly against a similar slit of the female’s. She unhinges her jaw in pleasure, vocalizing in pleasure as the hardness just behind your slit massages her soft ventral scales. She begins to go crazy, rubbing her own soft scales against yours; her python body wrapping around yours, her sheer girth nearly double in size than yours. Her piercing white eyes stare into yours, the slits opening to fill the entire circular iris of her eye.
The scent molecules of a female ready to breed fills the air, your flickering tongue laps up her beautiful molecules, flying from her feathering clothes, draped over her muscular reptilian scales. The night you spend with your friend means the world to you, being able to show her this part of your life, you fall asleep without any troubles.
The next day, unbeknownst you blink your eyes awake.
“Nice night hon?” you ask aloud.
Your eyes cannot function with this amount of sunlight, you await her response. “You’re amazing Roxy.” You feel around the bed. “Roxy?” your hands clutch at the empty sheets next to you, looking around and sensing your environment, your vibration-sensing hearing organs don’t detect anyone else in your apartment!

Written by Driftingdragon on 29 December 2019

The end (for now)

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