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Lion emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You eye the pale skins up and down. Your eyes light up as they have promptly decided on their newest match. “I think I'll go with this one” you mutter to yourself, running your fingertips down the length of the slender fluffy set in sleeves.


When you find yourself in safety you barrel past the threshold, nearly breaking the door from his hinges. You spin around after neatly placing the folded up mass onto a safe and flat surface.
"Finally!" A nearby mirror catches your eye, so you decide to take one last look at yourself before you begin yet another transformation.


You glare at yourself as you take one last look over your human features and your excited eyes peer back at you, quickly glowing brighter with excitement.


Once you’re satisfied you take the short trip back to your costume. Your excitement almost extending the short space back to where you had laid your new outfit.


"Just one foot after the other" you sigh nervously to yourself while stepping into the costume. Your body tingles as the costume’s soft fur caresses your body. You can feel its tightness around you as it molds to your body.
"It’s just like a big warm hug." you think to yourself, while finalizing the transformation with a swift zip of the costume.


You return to the mirror, blinking your eyes in anticipation; clearing your vision from any stray furs from the costume.


"What?" You look over yourself quickly, "Arms… legs… tail?.. No?" You feel a tinge of disappointment; a sudden drop in your stomach. "Fucking bunk-"


The drop becomes a shiver, a rustle, a whole body quake. You look down at yourself, shocked by the realization that, the floor, the sink, even your own feet are growing farther away from you! “Well this is a different experience!” You exclaim to yourself, half fearfully, and half with childlike excitement. You can begin to feel the fur shifting around, almost as if the follicles were cozily nestling themselves securely into your skin. Your excitement begins to truly show; wiggling the length of your body, now becoming almost too large to be contained in your limited space. You begin knocking over lights and chairs as your muscles swell up to two-three times their previous size.


Your weighted body drops to all fours to compensate for the increase in mass and weight. Your wiggling now becoming too ecstatic to contain.


"My tail" you think to yourself, as your bodily sways slowly translate into a vigorous wagging, still disorganizing the room. You stagger, your vision going blurry until you black out, as your hyperventilation carries you off into full REM.


Written by Driftingdragon on 30 September 2019

Both Pasture

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