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You wisely agree star star star halfstar emptystar

You realize that making this woman mad, whoever she is, would be a very bad idea, you don't know for certain that she has to do with what just happened to you, but you also don't know for sure that she's not responsible.


Uhhh....hello? you think


"Yes, made a decision yet?" the voice says.


Yeah, you think I'll do whatever you want. But I'm not sure how much good that's going to be at all, considering I'm a tree.


"Well I'm sure you're aware by now how that kind of thing can change when you least expect it. I can give you a more mobile form if needs be." She pauses for a moment.


"As to what you can do for me, there are two things I can think of. The first is that you replace yourself with more plant life. One will do if you stay rooted in place, but if I let you walk around it will have to be five new plants." You feel a delicate feminine hand playing with one of your leaves.


"But if you're too moral for all that, then maybe you're current form can give a home to something other then sparrows. You see there will be a gathering of various nymphs for a celebration of some weird moon celebration thing. The dryads only get to come if it's in their neck of the woods, so to speak, because they can only be a certain number of miles away from their tree. I've been experimenting with trying to solve that problem and I've got a spell I'm ready to test, a dryad willing to give it a shot, and all I need now is an oak tree that used to be human. Hint hint." The voice says.


"So...what will it be?" She asks.


Written by An Anonymous Wierdo on 24 March 2008

Both Try out the Spell

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