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Just lion around star star star star emptystar

As you pad softly up the stairs you belatedly realize that you left your clothes at the store and walked through town naked. Well, with no clothes over the costume anyway, which would have made you naked if you had been a real lion. It did not bother you then, but somewhere on the way the costume stopped feeling like a costume and started feeling like your own skin.


Well, too late to think about that now. You step into your bedroom and eye the bed curiously. Somehow it doesn't seem quite right for you tonight, but what alternatives do you have? The armchair?


As soon as you think if it, your tail (the costume's tail, you correct yourself) starts swishing from side. Wow, that felt almost real! Not that you have any idea what having a tail would feel like, but that's how you would imagine it. Even though you just spent half an hour on the couch downstairs, you somehow know that you can't sit comfortably on your tail (the costume's... oh forget it) any more.


So what? Curl up on the floor? No way Jos? - or Alex for that matter! Thinking of Alex makes you look at the poster over your desk, with Alex parodying the "Hang in there!" kitten. Being a full grown lion, his weight makes the tree bend until his hind feet touch the ground.


Well, that's no way to spend the night either. Suddenly the room feels unbearably stuffy, and you rush over to open the window. As soon as you feel the night breeze against your face (pausing briefly to ponder how you could feel that through a mask) you realize that you have found the answer. Alex is an outdoor lion after all and would only venture indoors if he absolutely had to. In fact, if you remember correctly, he usually sleeps in trees...


Without further thought (well, conscious thought anyway) you grab the eiderdown from your bed, toss it on the roof outside and jump after it. Curling up on the makeshift bed, you relax as only a feline can do, and within the space of a few heartbeats you are fast asleep.


To sleep, perchance to dream...

Written by Won-Tolla on 26 May 2007

The end (for now)

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