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I'm Alex The Lion! star star star emptystar emptystar

You walk over to the goofy looking lion costume and examine it. You touch the costume and it feels nice. The fur gives off some sort of warmth. "Heated, huh?" you say with a smirk to the shop owner. He smiles back at you, though it was a real "That's funny" smile. You take your attention away from the shop owner and look back to the costume. You decide to put it on.


You start with the feet,legs and waist. They feel good on your body, and they fit too. Almost as if they were made just for you. You put on the upper half next and you feel the same warmth emanating from inside the suit, only it's more comforting than from the outside. You put the head on and you're amazed at how clear you can see through the eye holes. Its almost as if they were your own eyes. The shop owner comes over to you and say "Ah, I see you've chosen Alex, not uncommon. To work at its full potential, the suit needs to be worn for 24 hours. Enjoy!" You walk out the door and onto the street.


On the way home, you are hassled by kids who love "Alex the Lion" You smile at their playfulness, until one kid comes up and punches you in the gut. He says "I hated you in that film, you're a bad actor and you stink!"


Then he storms off. You decide to get home as quickly as possible before another incident like that one happens.


You get home and sit on the couch. Feel tried so you decide to go to sleep, but consider taking off the costume. But the you remember that the man told you to wear it for 24 hours, so you have a choice:
take it off or go to bed.


You choose...

Written by underdrag on 12 July 2006

Go to bed

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