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Mount in the wall emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Ivan ponders for a second more before turning on you. You bang on the magical bonds holding you aloft with your fists to find them hard as rocks.
"I like you, I think I will mount you in the wall as an example to would be shoplifters." Your face under your fur pales. You plead with him and beg, but he still can not hear you through the barrier keeping you afloat.


Ivan turns happy with his decision and spies a likely spot on the wall, and with another spell and some more chanting opens up a hole in the wall.


"Come along now, I think you'll like your new place in life as my surveillance system. If you catch anyone stealing I will take some time off of your imprisonment appropriate to the item they were stealing. Impress me enough with your loyalty and you'll be a free man.. err.. woman... no that's not right either... Um you'll be a free, skunk type person. I think. Whatever, in you go!"


Your body floats up and turns, your new torso fitting into the hole as if it was made for you, because it was made just for you. As your back half bottoms out in the hole in the wall, you find your old torso and body jutting out into the shop. You're supported but this position is incredibly uncomfortable. Ivan turns to what looks like an old cash register and starts punching in keys on it. Maybe recording a transaction. The problem you discovered previously in the bathroom became apparent again as you slowly start leaning then tipping then falling to the left as Ivan's magic fades.


"Ivan! Please help!" You yell, now hanging upside down halfway in a wall staring at the shop floor some five to six feet below you. You can feel your back half catch on the ceiling of the hole, so you know you're not in much danger of falling out. Ivan turns around and looks, laughing again at you.
"Well now this won't do." He says as the blood rushes to your head. He points his hand at you and rotates his hand, your body again enveloped by magic as you turn back upright. Ivan lets the magic go, and you rediscover the initial problem. Ivan turns back to his register.
"Ivan! Help, I am not stable! My body has nothing to keep it from turning in the wall." You yell out finding the words ushering forth before really contemplating their meaning.
Ivan again laughs, "Now this is a problem I think I can fix." He raises his hand back up and chants, magic enveloping you again. Suddenly you can feel a new row of breasts sprout from your torso under your initial ones. New sensations flood your mind as you feel your back half doing the same. You now have six on your front, all covered by the same fur as the rest of you, and you can feel your back half has the same.


Each row now prevents you from rolling from side to side, your new breasts are almost crushed against the floor. It was better than constantly rolling from one side to another even if you are now that much more uncomfortable.


You look down discovering you can not see over your breasts directly below you. Even the best surveillance systems have blind spots you laugh ruefully to yourself. Your hands explore your new assets as you settle in. After an hour or so of abject boredom, you call out to Ivan.
"Ivan. Please. This is ridiculous, how much longer do I have to be in here?"
Ivan looks up at you contemplating the question as if for the first time.
"Well. I hadn't really thought about it, you tried to steal from me so now you're my new mascot and security system. Let's try five years and see how that does us?" He says at you and grins.
"FIVE YEARS!?" You yell back at him "YOU SON OF A..!" The rest of your tirade is cut off by a magic field enveloping your head.
"Yes, five years I think is fine, unless you'd like to be stuck in my wall for forever, five will work for you. Now then some ground rules I think are in order." Ivan says with some exasperation. "No cursing. You've already found that enchantment. No trying to escape. No aiding some wayward shopper in the hopes they will in turn free you. Now then as I mentioned before, if you catch someone, just speak my name and I will appear. Depending on what they are trying to steal, I will take let's say a year off of your time. You try to have them help you escape I will add a year. Got it?" Ivan says pointing a finger at you.


You nod, tears running down the side of your face. This could be much worse you suppose.
"Ivan?" You ask as the magic shield drops.
"Yes?" He replied cautiously.
"What about my family and friends?"
"Oh deary as soon as you came into my shop time stopped in the outside world. So these five years will pass and you'll return in a slightly altered form to them. Maybe you can find someone willing to help you after you serve your sentence here."
You nod, lips pursed the fur on your face still wet from tears.
"What if I get bored?" You ask.
Ivan groans. "I don't know. Watch some TV or something."
He flicks his wrist and suddenly a small TV sprouts into existence on the other wall. You feel a remote form in your hands. Not wanting to drop it you place it in the small of your new back and try to settle in.


Written by crunchynachoes on 29 October 2018

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