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Try to Escape again emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Ivan took a second, looking you up and down, you feel your stomach gurgle in an aftershock of the potions effects, fresh fur sprouting over your form and your white on black fur pattern distinguishing itself further.


He whistles softly, "My those potions sure did a number on you. Turn around, let me take a look at you." He instructs twirling his finger at you in a circle. Fear still rising with in you, you blush heavily under your fur again and turn slowly around, your svelte form still apparent under the coating of fur. Your long tail stiffening and rising behind you as if sensing your emotions. The white on black lines accentuating your motions as you sway and shift in ways unfamiliar.


After taking you in for another second, Ivan grins wickedly and states, "Well I think this isn't the worst that could have happened but, no matter. My price is the same."


You nod, then in a smooth motion throw the towel at Ivan. The wet cloth connects with his face covering his head. You bolt for the door, no plan in mind except escape!


Ivan curses under his breath as you reach the door to leave the bathroom. You throw it open, and dart through only to discover that there is a solid wall behind the door. You slam into it full force and you recoil off of it, falling onto your now larger butt. It is a if you're stuck in a cartoon.


Ivan sighs and licks his finger as if trying to get a hair out of his mouth. He grimaces and says, "Ugh. I hate it when that happens. Look you can try running all you want but this is a pocket dimension, that door will only open correctly for me, and unless you want me to leave you here for all eternity as a bar of soap you'll start complying with me? Capiche?"


You back into the solid doorway scrambling away from Ivan, fear overcoming your senses. He says behind your back wickedly, "There's this new spell I've been wanting to try out, I think I'll modify it just a bit for you though. Since you're so bent on running away, I will make it so you will now have some extra difficulty doing so."


You scream, as Ivan begins chanting behind you. Your voices echo off of the bathroom walls as you're enveloped in a glowing red light. You feel your butt burning as if stung by a hundred bees, then suddenly start pushing outwards, enlarging. You look behind you as you slowly rotate in the air to see new flesh spilling out of your body. Your butt now connects to a large appendage that extends behind you as far as you are tall. It is as if someone had copied your skunky torso and copied it attached to your butt. Your tail followed with it, pushing out to the end of the new appendage. And taking a second as the nerves connected so did your butt. Except where your legs would have been at the end nothing formed.


You look down at your own legs, and scream again, no words ushered forth through the magic though as you behold your own legs being sucked back into your figure as if they were the last bit of juice in a bottle.
Ivan laughed finishing off the spell and beholding his handiwork. "There you go, no more running for you. I like it," he says waving his hand, your body spinning around in mid air with the motion allowing him to look at you from all angles. "I think I will make you my new mascot. There we go, now let's see you try to run now." he lowers his hand and your body falls to the floor.


The cool tile of the bathroom sends a chill through your fur as your new back half lies heavily on it. Struggle as you might your feminine arms can't move the new weight. You gently roll to one side. Your new back half does not lay flat. At this rate you'll have to permanently support yourself so you don't roll over constantly under your top heavy weight. You scrunch up your abdomen and thrust your hips forward dragging your back half maybe half a foot forwards. Ha! Success you think to yourself. Ivan laughs at you as you take in stock of your new body.


Your torso juts out of another torso bent at a 90 degree angle. Where you should have legs ends with a furred joint with nothing coming out.


Ivan picks you up with his magic and moves you away from the door, then closes the door and reopens it to the room with many doors, and levitates you through the opening.


"Hmm now then... Where to put you... Where to put you. I could shrink you down to a tea cup and put you on the mantle. I could mount you in the wall. I could remodel the shop and give you a place of prominence. Hmm. What shall I do with you." He says pondering as he walks into the shop proper, you float along yelling obscenities at him with nothing making it through the magical field.


Written by crunchynachoes on 23 October 2018

The end (for now)

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