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Eat emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

She was on her side, eyes closed, with a red puddle beneath her. The blood stained hee once beautiful coat. You felt a pang of guilt as you walked around her. Her stomach had been mailed apart, the stench wafting around you. There were deep claw and bite marks up and down her long legs. It was as if the whole forest had gone quiet.


You swallowed thickly and bent you neck toward her. You tried your best to eat her quickly, not wanting to pay any mind to what you were doing and make yourself sick. When you finally felt full you lifted your head and cringed.


You could feel the doe's blood dripping from your mouth and down your chest. Bits of the doe were still lodged in between your teeth.


You quickly trotted away from the carcass, not wanting to stick around long enough for whatever had hunted the doe to come back. Just as you were leaving you heard something go near the doe. You glanced behind you and swear your heart had stopped for a moment. It was a small group of wolves.


They were bigger than you, stronger, with broad snouts and huge paws. There was only about four of them, but you are sure there were more around somewhere. They hadn't noticed you yet, but they started sniffing around the doe. What if they smell me? You thought. What if they follow me back to the clearing?

Written by Vixerlen on 12 March 2018


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