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What about my friends? emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"hrr..." you sniff and wipe your face clean of tears. "Thanks..." you say and he nods as he comforts you. "What about my human friends and relatives?" you ask. "I cant just go to them like this!" you protest. "What would they say? What would the common people say?" you ask and he shushes you.


"Don't worry..." he comforts you once more. "There are a great many ways around that..." he assures you. "We can teach you how to transform yourself back." He explains and your ears flare up as you look up into his eyes and he nods. "Yes." He confirms. "Follow me and I will meet you with the rest of us!" he promises, waving his hand and beaconing you to follow him as you contemplate his offer. He doesn't look like he's deceiving you and it isn't like you have much to lose... not to mention his offer is enticing.


"Can I trust you?" you ask clumsily.


"of course you can!" he says with a smile and takes off. With a reluctant sigh you spread your wings and take to the air, following the blue dragon as you two soar the skies.

Written by Luksinatriks on 27 December 2017

Both The rest of them

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