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"I... I suppose so..." emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"I... I suppose so..." you say sadly, looking down. "I don't know how or what happened... I just... don't know how to live with this..." you confess, allowing a moment of silence to pass as you think of the many questions you want to ask him. "What do you know of it? Were you... transformed as well? Or were you born... eh... hatched, as a dragon?" you slowly ask him and he giggles, causing you to experience a wide array of emotions as his humor surprises you.


"Trust me, there are a great many of us..." he says slowly as he looks into your new eyes. "furthermore... you are far from the only one to be transformed. Don't worry, in time you will get used to it..." he said nodding to your new form as you contemplate his words, feeling less sad as you focus yourself on the conversation.


"Whats going to happen to me?" You ask with little to no confidence as he sits down and his smile turns into a sad face. Still, he smiled at you once more as he answered your question.


"Well, you will live your life! You can and will do whatever you want..." he calmly said and you feel emboldened slightly. "Your life as a dragon is just starting, you have yet to feel it... you can still do anything you did as a human, in addition to the things you can do as a dragon." He added, approaching you and gently placing a hand on your shoulder.

Written by Luksinatriks on 24 December 2017

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